If you’re a Christian writer, you’ve heard it: Write to bring glory to God. Check.
Write what you know. Got it.
Write what the Spirit leads you to write. Of course.
…but what if what you’re feeling led to write isn’t what others think you should write? As an author, sometimes I’m stunned and frankly saddened by the reaction some Christian books get—from Christians—for being too real or edgy.
“Why would God tell you to write that? It’s sin, and Christians shouldn’t be shown sinning.”
“Why don’t the characters attend church?”
“An invisible man? Unthinkable!” (got this comment recently from a reader who doesn’t think the supernatural has anything to do with God)
“There should be no this, no that, no the other. But more of this, and that…blah, blah, blah.“
I’ve heard most of the comments, but won’t consider changing the way I do things. I remember that we are called to be responsible stewards of the gift God has given us, but also to be the people He created us to be. Individuals that function as part of a whole.
We will all have diverse experiences we can bring to a story. Experiences through which we may learn something new or view people from a new perspective. We’re doing the Christian readers, and the unsaved we’re trying to reach, a disservice if we shy away from real issues or only write what the rigid saints approve: banal fiction.
Yes, we walk the true and narrow path as Christians, but let’s not forget that path is not for the faint of heart. Paths cut through something, and we only need glance right or left to see the hindrances and realities of life in this world.
So what do we, as writers, do when we have an idea to write about a family conflicted over gay marriage? Write it. Unwed pregnancy? Write it. Atheists, serial killers, drug addiction and child abuse? Write them all, because we are meant to tread the path, not tip-toe. March it, jog it, dance it if you want, but don’t dare tip-toe.
And as you go, remember to touch things, shake hands with the sinners and infirmed, and gather up all that wealth of knowledge that will help you reach readers. Expand what you know and write it, so that others will know.
About the Author:
God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and three dynamic children, all of whom are destined to make wide, colorful splashes in this world. We share our New Jersey home with three dogs. I have no hobbies to speak of, unless you include writing. I don’t.
To join my mailing list to receive news of new releases, give-aways, etc, drop me a line at: danapratola@hotmail.com
Cecilia Marie Pulliam
/ October 19, 2015You are so right! Christian fiction had a bad rap (and well deserved) rap for a long time for showing life in an unrealistic bubble. Thank goodness some authors shook it up, such as Peretti and a few others. These critics forget who is was Jesus hung around with…. Great post Dana.