What An Author Needs The Most by Suzanne D. Williams

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Suzanne Williams

As a writer, there is only one type of person I need to do my job for – those who love me.

You see, I’ve written and sold books for two years now, and God has blessed me. I am extremely grateful and remind myself of His hand in my life every day. But in that period of time, I’ve learned that I don’t live for people’s opinions. After a story is edited and released, I don’t need anyone to tell me how it should have gone.

I’m not talking about learning my craft or not admitting you’ve made mistakes. Goodness knows, I make plenty and am always willing to face them. But I don’t have to spend one minute of my day listening to an unwarranted critique from someone who felt I “needed to know” what they have to say.

I don’t need to know. I only need to think about things that are “of good report.” (Php 4:8) This means I filter what goes in my ears and before my eyes and focus only on those who said I was great. Not out of pride or self-confidence, but instead, from a belief in my ability to write well, and boldness to stand tall and say, “I’m sorry. That story is exactly how I wanted it to be.”

I shrug off people who don’t “get” me and therefore, want to fit me into their mold. We are, after all, each of us unique. What makes you, you, is special and important, and here’s a truth – you don’t have to be like me. If you want to outline every story and plot all your points in advance, go for it. If you like complete sentences that follow the form and structure of precise grammar, have at it. If you excel at description and never have one word of dialogue, that’s super. I am now your biggest fan.

For that matter, if you have no one else cheering you on today, I am now your supporter. I believe in you. You can do this. You can finish that story, and people will read it and love it. It will sell better tomorrow than it did today. So what if that person said this or he or she remarked on that … toss the negatives out. Just like I don’t need some unknown person to tell me what I should’ve done, you don’t either.

Because half of writing is done on the size of the author’s confidence. Do you think Stephen King cares about bad reviews? Or Nora Roberts? Or any of the dozens of household names out there? I doubt it. Do you think they’re going to go back and rewrite that chapter simply because one person said it was this or that or the other? Puhlease. They’ve moved on.

So should you and I. Surround yourself with happy people who tell you every day how great you are, and next time someone pops up who wants to “help you out,” here’s a thought. Say NO and forget about it. You don’t need them. All you really need is to believe in yourself and know that all those who love you believe in you, too.


Best-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes a monthly column for Steves-Digicams.com on the subject of digital photography, as well as devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors.

To learn more about what she’s doing visit http://suzanne-williams-photography.blogspot.com/ or link with her on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/suzannedwilliamsauthor.

PAINTED BRIDE (Best-Dressed #2)


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Barnes & Noble – Painted Bride
KOBO – Painted Bride

As good as the first” – Reviewer

He rolled over on his side, facing her, and took her head in his hands. “You’re good at way more than pool. I don’t know why anyone ever rejected you, but I want to say this up front. No matter who you are, I want you here.”

“You keep talking like that and this’ll become real,” she replied.

He kissed her softly. “That’s what I’m hoping.”


Haydn Fabrinni, to everyone else, looks like a spoiled rich boy used to getting his way. And maybe part of that is true. Because late one night, upset over rumors of a proposal he doesn’t remember to a girl he doesn’t like, he makes the rashest decision ever.

He challenges a stranger, a woman obviously out to make a buck, to a game of pool, winner take all.

But his all is her hand in marriage. The perfect solution. Until what the two of them have becomes far more valuable than anything else, including the secrets of her past that threaten to tear it all apart.

A moving story of true love from best-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, and the final installment of the Best-Dressed Series.

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  1. Well said! And so what I needed to hear this morning!


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