August 10th, 2021
If you have ever walked through the cosmetics section at a department store, you may have noticed the multiple scents from tester bottles of perfumes and colognes. You could walk through that part of the store with a blindfold and you would know exactly where you’re at! The scents can be overwhelming. Some are sweet and bright, while others have warm floral notes. You know their purpose—to enhance or cover up the natural smell of a person. Perhaps we have used a tester from time to time with no intention of buying. Or perhaps we have bought and used the fragrance on a day when we hoped it could cover up an unwanted odor.
As we have entered the love season, may we allow the importance of Christ permeate our minds and hearts. We live in a world where our sins have left a detestable smell lingering in the air— a very unpleasing odor to the Lord’s nostrils. The beauty of God is He conveniently makes Himself available for us to approach Him, even with our sin problem. Then, He helps us to become clean and stink no more. He wants us to utilize the fragrance of free grace. My only hope is we don’t use the “tester version” of it, but instead we would receive the never-ending supply that can be applied every morning to last the whole day.
Let us admit to the Lord our unpleasant stench radiating from our sin life and recognize the beautiful appearance of Christ in this season to wash away our sins, to purify us, and to make us a sweet smell to God Almighty. God not only allows us to put on His fragrance, but then allows us to be carriers of His scent to others. Reflect on these words from 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 as you go through this month of love. Then dare to be a pleasant Christ aroma to others and the Lord as a true valentine.
By Pastor Leroy Childress, Bible League International partner, Illinois, U.S.
Inspirational Image of the Day