Welcome to the first installment of “Meet the Grace & Faith Authors”!
Today we are privileged to have Valerie Comer. In addition to her many exploits at the small-town flooring company where she works, Valerie has graciously taken on the task of setting up the wiki for our Grace & Faith group. She has been invaluable in giving her time and talent to this massive project. So I’d like for you all to give a big round of applause to our wiki guru…
Welcome, Valerie. We would love to hear a little about you beyond the writing.
I’ve been the wife of a wonderful guy for over 30 years. I’m also mom to two awesome adult kids and their spouses, and a delighted grandmother of one treasure (soon to be more!). I’m a gardener, farmer, beekeeper, local foods advocate, and a small-town flooring store manager who writes at work because a) I have tons of time to fill there, b) my bosses are perfectly fine with it, and c) I’m far too busy at home on my evenings and weekends!
A wife, mother, grandmother, gardener. That’s a lot. How did you come to be a Christian writer too?
I’d always loved to write, but I didn’t have the burning drive that many writers have. Every now and then I’d get all the writing how-to books out of the library and do a little dreaming, but I really had no idea how to go about it so it never went anywhere. Besides, I was one of those moms who felt guilty taking time for herself.
But when I landed this flooring job in the summer of 2001, it soon became apparent that I would have plenty of time for personal pursuits so long as I could immediately set them aside if the phone rang or a client, deliveryman, or sales rep arrived. I began the same way I had in previous rounds, by checking out the local library. I noticed that the best writing books were by Writers Digest, and looked them up online–something that hadn’t been possible not that many years before.
From there I went through their 101 best website links and landed at Forward Motion for Writers http://www.fmwriters.com where I found a community of (mostly) speculative fiction writers. I’ll credit FM with teaching me to plot, write, and revise, as well as how the publishing industry works.
A few years later I discovered ACFW http://acfw.com and entered one of my speculative titles in the Genesis contest. I finaled that year and the next two, began to attend conferences, to meet agents and editors and other authors, and to find my way in the CBA world.
Fascinating! I love the idea of using the time you have–even if it’s between flooring phone calls. So, we know you write speculative fiction, what do you like to read?
Life can be pretty serious, so I love a book that can make me laugh. Some of my favorite funny authors are Sandie Bricker, Jenny B Jones, and Mary Connealy. These gals have found their voice and though they don’t shy from tough subjects, the humor shines through. Love it!
Valerie, tell us about your current writing endeavors–new books, old books, blogging…
I’m thrilled to be contracted for a novella in a collection called Rainbow’s End coming out in May 2012 from Barbour. We’ve played upon a geocaching/treasure hunting theme for these four stories. The release still seems very far away–it all takes so long! I signed the contract in February, submitted the draft in August, completed the first round of edits in October, and am waiting for the next step. It’s been awesome working with Cara Putman and Annalisa Daughety as well as my close friend and crit partner, Nicole O’Dell, who once said her goal in life was to get me a publishing contract. Don’t worry, she’s found new goals!
Nothing like having great and supportive writing friends. So, what are you working on right now?
My agent is shopping the first book in a contemporary romance series I’m calling Green Acres, about three young women who buy a farm to prove that sustainable living is possible–and find love in the process. The first book, Domino’s Game, pits a local foods advocate against the junk-food-addict reluctant farmer next door. Currently I’m writing the second book in the series while preparing to launch the novella into the world next spring.
Sounds great. I’m sure readers will want to check it out. Where can they find you on the ‘net to keep up with your writing??
My online home is http://valeriecomer.com, where I also blog three times a week. Mondays are devoted to seasonal recipes and local food tips. On Wednesdays I review books by many of my Christian author friends. Fridays are for writing news or tips, interviews, and whatever catches my fancy.
My site also contains many other links, including two recent e-recipe book projects I’ve been a part of, tidbits for writers, and speaking topics I’ve been developing.
I can be found on twitter at http://twitter.com/valeriecomer, at Facebook at http://facebook.com/valeriecomer.author, and on Google+ at http://plus.google.com/101019853994679245094. Come find me so we can get to know each other!
Fantastic, Valerie. Thank you so much for stopping by, and BIG HUGS for all you do for the Grace & Faith Community. God bless you, and have a blessed day!
BIO: Valerie Comer’s life on a small farm in western Canada provides the seed for stories of contemporary inspirational romance. Like many of her characters, Valerie and her family grow much of their own food and are active in the local foods movement as well as their church. She only hopes her creations enjoy their happily ever afters as much as she does hers, shared with her husband, adult kids, and adorable granddaughter.
/ November 4, 2011Great interview. I have a good friend who does geocaching – my hubby keeps telling me we need to do it, too, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Thanks for all you do for G&F – it’s such a great program!!!
Valerie Comer
/ November 4, 2011Geocaching is a lot of fun. Through it, we’ve found all kinds of interesting things in our own valley we didn’t know existed before, like ancient pictographs! We haven’t gotten out much (ha!) the past couple years but want to start back in soon–before the snow flies, even. (We better hurry…)
I’m glad you’re a part of G&F! It’s been fun getting to know you. 🙂
Valerie Comer
/ November 4, 2011Thanks so much for having me, Staci! It’s been great getting to know you and the 70ish other authors at Grace & Faith thus far.
/ November 4, 2011Great interview, Valerie! Your new novella sounds like an awesome read. And I agree, big hugs and big thanks for all you do for the Grace and Faith Community. You are amazing!
Valerie Comer
/ November 4, 2011Thanks, Penny! I hope you’ll enjoy the novella when it comes out.
As for the wiki, I’m glad to help. What I like BEST about wikis is that they are NOT a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets give me hives!