by Precarious Yates
Have you ever been so overwhelmed by needs that when going to God in prayer you start to think he won’t answer half of them because there are just too many? Are you too needy for God?
I woke up at 5:30am after being up most of the night. My son had been given 3 shots the day before, and he spent the night writhing in pain. But one good thing: my husband was due for a raise and we would finally have enough to cover the bills!
As my son slept quietly for the first time all night, I checked the bank balance.
The raise didn’t show up. Apparently, it wouldn’t show up for a few paychecks.
I sensed the nudge from God to give more than usual anyway. Whispering a prayer, I tapped in the numbers. We wouldn’t have enough, but I was going to trust the Lord. I asked Him to provide.
Breakfast time was fraught with more than its usual dose of chaos: the power went out! This was my first time encountering an automatic garage door without power. I prayed, and God highlighted the instructions for me. Ever have that happen? I love that! My school-aged daughter was also willing to help me open the door! God was on the move!
Then came grocery shopping. Those of us who shop for picky eaters on a tight budget know how much prayer goes into one of those trips.
It was 11 o’clock, I was leaving the grocery store, and I felt like I had reached my quota for prayer requests for the day. Yet the chaos was FAR from over.
So, it seemed, were the answers to the prayers.
By the time we returned home, the power had come back on!
I asked God for strength as I carried my son and then all the groceries upstairs. But I couldn’t get the garage door to close again. I prayed.
My phone buzzed with a text from my mother-in-law. Did I need help with anything? Oh yes! I texted back. Within a half an hour, my father-in-law showed up to help me with the garage door!
I now had time to wash all the bedding. Then, in the middle of the washing machine’s cycle, there’s a loud “clunk”.
The washing machine broke. I had to take everything out, wring it out by hand, and walk away. We hadn’t paid off the washer and it was already broken? I took a deep breath and prayed, sitting beside my young son. He was still so sick. Deep circles shadowed his eyes. I prayed for him. My son fell asleep.
The principal called. One of my kids had participated in a classroom-wide effort to make the substitute teacher’s life a complete misery. There were other matters that needed wisdom—great wisdom. I asked the only One who gives wisdom. I needed it!
At school pickup time, my son was still sleeping. While my son slept, my daughter told her side of the story. God gave me ears to hear and words to say.
Inclement weather inspired more prayers for my husband’s commute. Surely I had exhausted my quota by now! But I needed someone on whom to cast my anxiety.
Dinner was cooked and hours had passed, and my son still slept. After four hours, I began to worry. Here it was, almost 7pm, and I had prayed for eight hours already after I felt like I had exhausted my quota. But this was my son! When he awoke a few minutes later, the dark circles were gone and he was breathing clearer than he had all day!
For the first time all week, an internet search turned up the right information, and I found the part I would need for the washer!
Then my husband came home.
It seems that prayer-quota thing wasn’t real.
Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:3
I had no idea just how poor I was, and how poor I would be before the end of the day.
I sat on the couch and promptly fell asleep, forgetting to take my medicine. I woke again in enough time to take it. But I didn’t want the nightmares that regularly accompanied my meds. I turned to my Father of Light, who is the giver of every good and perfect gift!
The next morning, I woke from a beautiful dream and checked on my son. He was feeling even better!
I’m so glad there is no prayer quota for me per day. And there is no prayer quota for you either!
“Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” – Psalm 55:22
He wants to hear our prayers, both big and small. He keeps track of every single one!
You’ve kept track of all my wandering and my weeping.
You’ve stored my many tears in your bottle—not one will be lost.
For they are all recorded in your book of remembrance. – Psalm 56:8, The Passion Translation
And never forget:
The very moment I call to you for a father’s help
the tide of battle turns and my enemies flee.
This one thing I know: God is on my side! -Psalm 56:9
Keep praying and do not lose heart! (See Luke 18:1)
God bless you!
Precarious Yates
About the Author:
Precarious Yates has lived in 8 different states of the Union and 3 different countries, but currently lives in Texas with her husband, her daughter and their big dogs. When she’s not writing, she enjoys music, teaching, playing on jungle gyms, praying and reading. She holds a Masters in the art of making tea and coffee and a PhD in Slinky® disentangling.