“You mean if you like my story, you can let me go free?” Dawkins asked.
“Hardly that. But we can offer you hope that they cannot.”
“Hope of what? A harp and a cloud?” I could hear Dawkin’s spit hit the floor. “Let Ollie be the angel. I don’t plan on dying. There’s still them as promises immortality and I mean to find my way back to them. And when I do that, they won’t want to hear I made nice to you and yours as is out to harry them off the face of the earth. But it’s a good thing they’ve a place to go if that happens.”
“You’re talking in riddles,” Fun See said. “What do you mean, a place to go if they are harried off the earth? Have they airships and a city in the sky?”
Fun’s tone was light-hearted, but Dawkins responded in a way fit to chill anyone’s blood.
“Better than that,” he bragged. “Look up in the sky tonight. It’s a full moon. Maybe you’ll see the flag of the new empire on the surface if it’s clear enough.”
“You are mad,” Fun See scoffed. “Have they an outpost on the moon, then? Did you visit there from the underground city in Algeria?”
“Yeah, I did, since you ask so nicely,” Jack sneered. “You’ll never find out how, so it’s safe to tell you what you’re up against. Maybe you won’t be so smug or so ready to follow. We’ve all been to the moon, and that’s where they’ll take the captives for conditioning, soon enough. You think you’ll just find all the hidey-holes and flush out the operation, do you? Well, try following us to the bosom of Cynthia, why don’t you? I won’t say anything more. Put the muzzle back on the dog. He’s done with doing tricks until he can see there’s a treat for his trouble.”
While you’re waiting for this to be finished, Visit Sophronia’s Amazon page and get caught up on the Alexander Legacy series! http://www.amazon.com/Sophronia-Belle-Lyon/e/B009P8N6NQ