The Great Thirst Now Available in Boxed Set

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by Mary Findley

boxed set and all covers great thirst

All seven parts of the Great Thirst serial archaeological mystery are now available in one volume as a preorder for only 99 cents! Here’s what readers have been saying about this serial:

“I liked this story. I really liked the characters and the small town feel of the story. Plus, Mary had me turning pages trying to figure out where the story was going and what was going to happen.”

great thirst 1

“I just LOVE how Keith and Talia interact/square off against the trouble making parents. The writing is clean and you can let your child read this without having to be concerned over the content! There is a lot of history incorporated and kids will be gripped.”

great thirst 2

“This is one easy read and very entertaining. It is structured for young adult and I can see them enjoying this, including the young adult that still resides in me! I feel this is one very promising series and I am very much looking forward to the complete package.”

great thirst 3

“I loved it! Findley expertly weaves valid Bible teachings and plot together in a wonderful harmony that is sure to please fans of the Bible. I walked away from this one feeling that I’d learned many valid truths, and her scriptural knowledge was quite profound.”

gondrani bury talia

“Love the archaeological dimension. Extremely interesting. Challenged me to remember to live my life so that Christ’s love can be seen through me.”

david sharon GT 4

The complete serial, over 700 pages, is available for preorder at only 99 cents! Grab yours today.



eva sanchez olmec

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