by Deborah H. Bateman
Book Spotlight
The Book of Matthew: Life of Jesus Christ
(Daily Bible Reading Series 9)
by Deborah H. Bateman
“The Book of Matthew: Life of Jesus Christ” is a Daily Bible Reading Study by Deborah H. Bateman, which takes you through the life of Jesus Christ. The book of Matthew is the first book in the New Testament of the Bible. It begins with the genealogy of Jesus Christ and His birth.
The Book of Matthew also goes into Jesus’ ministry on earth, including the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ parables, and Jesus’ final days, including His death, burial, and resurrection. The book concludes with the great commission. The author does a great job of breaking the book down into small, easy to understand lessons.
“The Book of Matthew: Life of Jesus Christ” includes fifty-seven daily devotionals which contain a brief commentary by the author, Deborah H. Bateman, the Daily Bible Reading Scripture, a few questions for contemplation or discussion called “Things to think about,” and a prayer of the day. It is a great Bible study book for individual daily devotions or group Bible studies.
For those of you interested in Bible journaling, may I suggest you pick your favorite Bible verse from each lesson and journal about it. This will be a great reminder of the lessons you learn as you read and study this book.
Get your copy now!
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About the Author:
Deborah H. Bateman
Author of the books in the Daily Bible Reading Series
and Self-Publishing Simplified: How to Publish a Book on Kindle
Founder of Christian Daily Resources a Christian online ministry dedicated to “Sharing God’s Word.”
Connect with Deborah on her websites and blogs:
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Recipe for Life
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