All posts tagged religion and spirituality

Death of His Saints

By June Foster I received a call this week that my 93 year old aunt is nearing the time when the Lord will call her home. She’s been unconscious for a couple of days. I’ll be sad that I won’t be able to talk to her on the phone any longer or take […]

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By Tralisa McNeal Divine intervention saved me from the war I waged against myself. Somewhere along the line I vowed to get even with me for the post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression I allowed to infiltrate my life. Not to mention the fact that the pills, the alcohol and the extra marital […]

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Try Godfidence

By Diana Brandmeyer This past year has been a struggle for me as a writer, wife and mother. For nine months I struggled to find an answer to why my body required what seemed to be 23 hours of sleep or couldn’t get a good breath. Then there was the puzzle of my […]

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Destination Thanksgiving

By Lynn Mosher When you know your destination, is the journey any easier? More enjoyable? Depends, doesn’t it? Depends on how long it takes to get there, what happens on the way, and if the kids say, “Are we there yet?” a bazillion times. What if your destination is Grandma’s for that Thanksgiving […]

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Great Blue Heron

By Joy Dekok Here is an excerpt from Under His Wings – Lessons Learned from God While Watching the Birds.   Great Blue Heron I slid slowly into the ditch, hoping to get a closer glimpse of the great blue heron. Settling on a rock surrounded by cattails, I waited. A movement in […]

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By Ada Brownell “For a long time propagandists have recognized that lying must be avoided,” says Jacques Ellul, author of “Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes”. [1]“In propaganda, truth pays off.” Where propaganda goes to work to change minds is in the “interpretation” of the truth, or the way they twist the truth. […]

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Book Review: Heaven’s Prey

What if your niece had been brutally murdered by a serial killer? The only way Ruth Warner can get any peace at all is by praying for Harry Silver, the famous race-car driver turned killer. At least he’s behind bars…until he escapes. Ruth stops at a convenience store on her way home from […]

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Lima Beans with Legs

By Laura J. Marshall Recently a friend private messaged me a picture on Facebook. It was of a double layer cake decorated with webs and spiders. I quickly tapped her out a message, typing one word at a time with a return in between to get the photo off my screen.   The […]

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Holding the Door

By Staci Stallings I’m always amazed by the lessons I learn teaching Sunday School.  Last week was a good example. I teach fourth grade, which is an interesting age.  These kids are just starting their faith journey.  They are not theologians. Their faith is pretty basic and very practical, and I’m convinced that […]

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Feeling like a Misfit

By Joana Melisia James The following is an excerpt from “Trusting God with Your Future” the second volume of the Soul Food series. This book is FREE for Kindle TODAY (October 23, 2013)   The world’s values are often the opposite of God’s values. This can often cause Christians to feel like misfits. Many […]

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