All posts tagged Penny Zeller

Hidden Treasures

By Penny Zeller I just love my grandma. Nanie is a tiny 82-year-old Swedish gal with a fiery spunk and a kind heart. Not long ago, we were talking on the phone (she lives 650 miles away) and she was telling me about how difficult it was to go through all of my grandpa’s things […]

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Interview with Penny Zeller

Today I’m pleased to welcome my friend, Penny Zeller.  What a beautiful heart this lady has! Welcome, Penny! First, tell us a bit about yourself beyond who you are as a writer.  Thank you so much for allowing me to be your guest! I am honored to be here today. I am a […]

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Sweet Read with Lots of Lessons: Hailee by Penny Zeller

Review by:  Staci Stallings Hailee by: Penny Zeller We’ve all made mistakes. I suppose we should recognize that, but sometimes jealousy and arrogance just plain blur our vision. We begin to think we have the right and the duty to judge others, to put them in their place, and to announce their transgressions […]

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