All posts tagged Jessie Powers

Where My Title Came From

By Jessie Powers Right now as I type this my house is peaceful. Hymns are running through my mind, our daughter is peacefully sleeping in her crib, my husband is about to get up and head to work, and the sun is beginning its daily trek across the sky. I am pleased to […]

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Princess-ly Conduct

By Jessie Powers I grew up in a neighborhood with lots of kids, and a good mix of boys and girls. I tended to play more with the boys; their games were just more fun! It was a lot more fun to run around chasing a ball or other kids than it was […]

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I Write Because I’m Happy

Sitting in the van as the family drives from Wyoming to North Carolina gives a young a girl a LOT of time to pass.  When I was really little, before the time of laptops and iPads I would read, play car games or stare outside. As I grew older and technology changed I […]

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