All posts tagged hope

Vision, Planning, Courage

by:  Staci Stallings Recently I’ve taken a leadership role in a local church organization.  When I first started, I didn’t realize the intense spiritual opposition that would be creating conflicts and obstacles with every step we tried to take forward.  As I worked and worked through problem after problem, some small, some quite […]

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Even When It’s Tough

By:  Staci Stallings Some guys run into burning buildings for a living.  Some run into the line of fire to save others.  Those men often absorb injuries to themselves but do what’s necessary despite the danger and pain to do it. My dad is one of those guys except he doesn’t run into […]

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Not Qualified… Willing

by:  Staci Stallings In preparing you for what you will face as a Sower of Jesus Seed, I must address the one excuse I hear time and again.  Oh, the excuse is true enough–true enough, actually to get a lot of you to give up before you start.  It goes like this: “I’m […]

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Day Plan Your Gift

By Laura J. Marshall It was approaching mid-January when I realized some of my writing goals for the New Year had already taken a backseat to the busyness of life.  I tried to focus and regain my footing, again trying to stick to the 2-hour time block I had allotted.  The time seemed […]

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Motivation That Works

By David Megill See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will […]

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Never Stop Dreaming: Hope Tour 2012

What’s all the buzz about Hope Tour 2012? The buzz is growing, isn’t it? I just read a Facebook status about us that said, “This small press is taking the world by storm. Check them out.” I love that! As a child, teen, and then young adult, people would tell me I was […]

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Daffodil Devotion

By:  Traci Tyne Hilton Right in front of my little ranch house, under the picture window, is a long, narrow, flower bed. It bakes in the afternoon, is in shadow all morning, and suffers from the combined debilitating forces of oak leaves and concrete foundation. I planted daffodils there. (I’m not much of […]

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Ever Faithful

by: Staci Stallings For many years of my life, I wanted to be successful.  I put a lot of effort into that endeavor.  I worked and worked and worked.  If I joined an organization, I had to be president because I wanted the organization to be successful and I wanted to be seen […]

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Count Your Blessings

By:  Donna B. Snow The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.   – Prov 10:22 I have to admit that there are times when I just don’t see His blessings. And on top of that, I am ungrateful at times, too. Blind and ungrateful, they do […]

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The Journey to Mercy

By: Elizabeth Byler Younts “Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy…” Psalm 62:12 (KJV) Labor Day Weekend 2010         Davis and I were elated to be expecting our second child. Only weeks later we moved headlong into numerous complications and we handed this special new life over to the Great Physician with great […]

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