by Staci Stallings I just heard a song called, “You Can’t Make Old Friends,” and it got me to thinking about the series that is currently being released called “The Imagination Series.” Much like The Grace Series before it, The Imagination Series follows a group of friends. When we start their story, they […]
Old Friends 5/5/2023
Ten Questions to Ask at the Start of a New Year
by Don Whitney Once, when the people of God had become careless in their relationship with Him, the Lord rebuked them through the Prophet Haggai. “Consider your ways!” (Haggai 1:5) he declared, urging them to reflect on some of the things happening to them, and to evaluate their slipshod spirituality in light of […]
CrossReads Weekly Devotional: Gems From Pastor Jim by Jim Hughes
Send to Kindle by Jim Hughes Ps. 100:3 Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. To acknowledge that the Lord is God is to recognize and accept that God is in control of all things. He is actively ruling over […]
Being You
by Staci Stallings Recently I had the good fortune of going to see my niece in her high school play. Now you kind of have to have lived with this child for the last 18 years to fully understand this, so let me give you some background. First, it’s important to note that […]
Gems From Pastor Jim
by Jim Hughes Ps. 119:140 Your promises have been thoroughly tested; that is why I love them so much. One thing that we have in common with all humanity is that everyone goes through times of life that are not easy. Everyone needs help beyond themselves from time to time. For the believer, […]
by Mark Malcolm You are a mirror. You reflect to the world those things you hold in your heart. Where your eye goes, your heart follows. So, what things does your eye follow? We also have lives. We do things, we go places, we meet people as we do the things we need […]
Gems From Pastor Jim
by Jim Hughes Ps. 119:133 Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by any evil. Our only protection from evil is to let the Lord take His Word and direct our paths. We are not capable of “winging it” on our own and staying pure before God. If […]
True Humility Rewarded
by Charles Haddon Spurgeon He that humbleth himself shall be exalted. (Luke 18:14) It ought not to be difficult for us to humble ourselves, for what have we to be proud of? We ought to take the lowest place without being told to do so. If we are sensible and honest, we shall […]
The Crazy Side
by Staci Stallings Some people think that following God is boring. I am learning just how wrong they are. Take my latest series—The Grace Series. First of all, this did not start off a series. It started off as one book, “Mirror Mirror.” It was a really good story, but as I wrote […]
Continue in Prayer: The Battle is Here
by Sherry Chamblee We have such an overload of information in this country right now. News is constantly breaking about all sorts of things. There are satire sites putting up articles that are supposed to be funny. There are fake news sites putting up articles trying to fool people. And there are opinion […]