All posts tagged Easter

Does Jesus Live? Resurrection: Evidence, or Proof?

by Ada Brownell I imagine you’ve read or heard the true stories about someone taken to the morgue, and then a hand moves, an eye opens, or a leg lifts, and the person is alive. Perhaps you were one of the hundreds who went to the movie or purchased Heaven is For Real, […]

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Who Removed the Nails?

by Lynn Mosher Whipped…lashed within an inch of His life. Mocked…crowned with thorns. Slapped…beard ripped from His face. Bound…nails pounded into His flesh. Ridiculed…garment gambled for at His feet. Pierced…in His side, and in His heart. He sighed His last breath… “It is finished.” Now, it is time to bury Him. But who […]

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What’s in Your Alabaster Box? by Lynn Mosher

I have an old shoe box. Packed away somewhere. Filled with precious things. Love letters from my pre-wedding hubby. Old mementos. Probably a pressed flower or two. And other things I don’t even remember. I haven’t seen its contents in years. Do you have a box like that? Is it filled with precious […]

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Inspired on Easter with GNFA

This Easter weekend when we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us share with you the best deals from the best Christian Authors.   The Road Home $1.99 (original $4.99) This is such a powerful story of forgiveness, redemption and how God loves us no matter what       […]

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The Ideal Easter Garment

Send to Kindle[simpleazon-image align=”left” asin=”1466200936″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”105″]By Ada Nicholson Brownell The dress was a frilly pink child’s size 4. The layers of nylon and lace glistened as the skirt flared around her tiny waist. White patent leather shoes and white lacy ankle sox completed the outfit. Her hair curled around the white hat […]

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The Pattern

What Good Friday & Easter Sunday Teach Us about Christian Romance Novels You probably have never thought about this.  In fact, I only realized it a couple weeks ago and I’ve been reading and writing and viewing people’s stories for 42 years.  But I think it’s interesting so I’m going to share with […]

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