Free eBook Fresh Faith by Jon Edward Fugler Recently, I highlighted author Jon Edward Fugler on my show. We discussed his book, Fresh Faith, Leaning on God During the Corona Virus Pandemic. This short book packs a wallop as it challenges the believer to use this pandemic as an opportunity to draw closer to God. To […]
Free eBook: Fresh Faith
by C. J. Peterson Certain characteristics are instilled within us from birth. Given to us by those who we chose as friends and from the family to which we are born. This foundation is the filter through which we see the world. Inevitably, there are rocks and pebbles, sometimes even boulders within the […]
What in the World Is Steampunk and Why Would a Christian Write About It?
by Mary C. Findley I don’t know why it’s become popular to attach “punk” to music, fashion, and literary genre, but it is what it is. Steampunk can find expression in all these outlets, but many people say it originated in fashion or clothing. It’s a style that draws on the Victorian time […]
Even When It’s Tough
By: Staci Stallings Some guys run into burning buildings for a living. Some run into the line of fire to save others. Those men often absorb injuries to themselves but do what’s necessary despite the danger and pain to do it. My dad is one of those guys except he doesn’t run into […]
Author Interview With Paulette Harper
Send to Kindle Question: What do you think prepared you or qualifies you to write in your chosen genre? Answer: I believe my life experiences prepare me to write the books I do. My first two books are non-fiction, inspirational. Because of a great transition in my life, God used that which I saw as […]
Not Qualified… Willing
by: Staci Stallings In preparing you for what you will face as a Sower of Jesus Seed, I must address the one excuse I hear time and again. Oh, the excuse is true enough–true enough, actually to get a lot of you to give up before you start. It goes like this: “I’m […]
Check Out the CrossReads “Fall Into Reading” Big Book Sale!
Send to Kindle CrossReads Fall Into Reading Book Sale! Where We Invite You To Fall Into Good, Wholesome Books – And Save Money! During the week of October 7th, readers can get books by several of their favorite CrossReads Christian authors who have joined together to offer their books at bargain prices. Monday through Friday (the 7th-11th), readers […]