All posts tagged Christian Book

Book Spotlight: Sodom: A Nation on it’s Knees

Send to Kindle  Book Spotlight Sodom: A Nation On Its Knees (The Search for the Righteous Book 1) by Pam Funke Book blurb: 3,902 years ago, there was a city so evil, corrupt and filled with sin that God saw no other choice, but to completely destroy it. The city of Sodom was completely destroyed […]

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CrossReads Book Spotlight: A Lancaster Love

Send to Kindle CrossReads Book Spotlight A Lancaster Love An Amish Romance Series by Mary Lingerfelt A LANCASTER LOVE, THE COMPLETE 5-BOOK AMISH ROMANCE SERIES, IS $4.99 TO OWN AND AVAILABLE ON KU! Eve Miller left her Amish home and built a thriving business in the English world, but she is haunted by loneliness and […]

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The Leadership of Our Guide

by Charles Haddon Spurgeon “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all Truth”   (John 16:13). Truth is like a vast cavern into which we desire to enter, but we are not able to traverse it alone. At the entrance it is clear and bright; but […]

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What Makes Us Sing?

by Ada Brownell Music is one of my first memories. My older siblings and finally, Mama and Daddy, gave their lives to Christ shortly after I was born. They had recently escaped the Kansas droughts, the Dust Bowl, and the Great Depression and moved to a 10-acre irrigated farm in Fruita, Colorado. The […]

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A Woman’s Walden by Barbara Robinson

Cannot a woman have her very own Walden, as Henry David Thoreau did? This woman did! A woman can have her own Walden. I know, because I had mine. I found mine in the countryside of Louisiana, with a river for my back door. Nature abounded my cabin on three sides. Surrounded with […]

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Teaser from “Family Plan” by Mary C. Findley

Send to Kindle Our latest fiction work is a collection of short stories titled “Fifty Shades of Faithful.” The following comes from the last story, called “Family Plan.” “Hi, um … my wife and I want to get some photos taken, but she’s running a little late. Is it okay if I wait for her […]

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Gems from Pastor Jim by Jim Hughes for 9/16/2014

Send to Kindle Ps. 24:1-2 The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths. Lest we forget, the earth is the Lord’s. We do not own anything, we are but […]

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Antidisestablishmentarian Read This Instead by Michael Findley

Send to Kindle Sam Harris has a new book coming out on September 9, called Waking Up. He claims we can do away with all religion now, and he is going to wake us up to what we should be doing instead of believing in God. But please read the quote in the graphic above, […]

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The Big Giant Pickle Book Release by Sherry Chamblee

Send to Kindle I’d like to introduce to you my husband’s new children’s book, The Big Giant Pickle. This was a work of love, as he made it up to help our children pass the time on long car rides. They got into it in typical Chamblee fashion, chanting and cheering as he told the story. […]

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5 Secrets to Being Happy by Donna Fazano

Okay, so maybe I don’t have any secrets to reveal, but you have to admit that, for a second there, you were REALLY excited when you read that title. Through the ages, many experts have tried to dissect and explain the psychology of happiness. What makes that almost impossible is the fact that […]

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