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The Treasure Seeker: Finding Love and Value in the Arms of Your Loving

The Treasure Seeker: Finding Love and Value in the Arms of Your Loving Heavenly Father was written to encourage and equip women who are either seeking God or who want to grow closer to God & Christ. At the heart of the book is the concept that we are a valuable treasure and […]

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GNFA: A Year in Review

By Naty Matos Well, if you are reading this it means you survived the 1,000th time since the existence of humanity where the end of the world has been announced. I tell you something. In preparation for the world not to end the authors of GNFA have been popping out books like rabbits. […]

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The Red Ribbon

Everyone wants a blue ribbon.  Blue.  First place.  The best.  Even kindergartners want that blue ribbon.  In sports, I was never a blue-ribbon person.  In a race I was always last.  In baseball I was as likely to get hit on the head as to drop the ball.  In basketball I was fine as […]

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I can’t buy it if I don’t know about it

I recently purchased a Nook Color because I wanted to compare it with my Kindle Fire.  As I started exploring the Nook store, I discovered that it is incredibly difficult to find my books.  Browsing for books in a narrow genre (such as Christian Fiction) is really difficult. After an hour of trying […]

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