Stay for a While

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by Suzanne Williams

And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where TO LAY HIS HEAD. (Matthew 8:20) 

When I was learning to drive, my mom would say if I drove too fast I’d leave my angels behind. From a spiritual standpoint, I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it came to me when thinking about the above Scripture.

HOW MANY TIMES DO WE OUTPACE GOD? He wants to sit with us and commune but we’re too busy to give Him enough time to lay down His head. I love the verse in Exodus. “And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat.” (Ex 25:22) 

That’s God’s desire. We were created for fellowship. But talking to someone while they run away is fruitless. They’re listening to the sound of their breathing, their pulse in their ears, their footsteps pounding the pavement, not what’s being said. Eventually, the speaker becomes tired of trying to keep up. (1Jn 1:3) 

Slowing down so God has a place to lay His head, is our responsibility. It won’t happen until we make the choice to do it! We can continue to run ten steps ahead, or we can stop and stay for a while, clear our mind of the turmoil of our day, and listen.

I’d hate to think I’m cooking supper, washing the dog, writing a book … while there in front of me stands my Savior wishing I’d sit down for a moment and just … be.

Think of what I might miss – an instruction, a moment of prayer on behalf of a friend, or maybe He simply wants to say, “I love you.” Those three words might change everything, give me hope and faith, strength, perhaps another dose of patience.

All because I was listening.



Penn Saunders hit rock bottom two years ago when a nameless girl he’d partied with died in his bed. He changed that night. He returned home to live with his parents, get clean, and embrace God again. As a pastor’s son, renewing his faith also reaffirms his call into the ministry. But he has a long way to go before he gets there, and his first step is living on his own.

Morgan Gant thought she left her old life behind by moving hundreds of miles away. She’s starting over, building a successful online cosmetics business, and renting her own apartment. No one here will know what she did for a living, but most of all, she’ll never have to see the man who attacked her again.

Meeting Penn, the neighbor across the hall, seems like another positive step. She needs to make friends and who better than the guy next door? Yet, when their feelings for each other grow, what they haven’t said, who he is as a Christian, clashes with the secret of what she’s survived, threatening, once more, to tear their lives apart.


Suzanne D. WilliamsBest-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors. She is co-founder of THE EDGE.

To learn more about what she’s doing and check out her extensive catalog of stories, visit or link with her on Facebook at or on Twitter at

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