by Tina Webb
How often do we crawl into our coziest chair and gleefully open our Bibles to discover something that God wants to share with us? Consistently our God pulls us into his presence to give us the security that comes through his constant love. A child always is secure when he knows he’s loved, desired and affirmed. This is our God. He’ll never leave us or forsake us. After a time, He leads our gaze outward but only because he wants us to give out what he’s poured into us. It’s like a back and forth game that a child would play with a parent. Maybe you’ve witnessed the cute giggles as the little girl runs to her Daddy’s lap and then runs several feet away for a few minutes only to return to her Daddy’s loving embrace.
Our view of God the Father is crucial to our wholeness. We can’t possibly run to a Father that we think is always criticizing us, watching us with a stern eye or ready to take away some of His blessings back for our bad behavior. Scripture says that the goodness of God leads us to repentance. Repentance is having a change of mindset. How ironic that by continuing to unleash his goodness towards us, we will slowly but surely change the way we think for the better.
The beauty of becoming can be, if we let it, a process of brutally naked surrender to a God that whispers hope, affirms our efforts, and gives us courage for a journey that none of us are prepared for.
Arduous but seasonal, this journey is a long adventure. I believe in a Loving Creator that does not give us more than we can bear but knows that if we glean from his wisdom and blanket ourselves in his care, we can actually face battles head on and win. We can win at parenting! We can win at adulting! We can win at reflecting Christ to our co-workers! Instead of blaming our kids, our bosses or our chaotic world, He helps us recognize the weaknesses that keep us from riding through every storm in peace. The prize is loving others better and our own spiritual maturity and emotional health. Old baggage is burned and chains of insecurity that have made moving forward a challenge, are discarded.
No matter what your stage and season of life, you can begin to appreciate that this journey of personal transformation refines the quality of our love for others and provides a healthier well-being for ourselves.
Keep running dear saint. God is cheering you on!
Tina C Webb has been a resident of Charlottesville, Virginia since graduating from the University of Virginia in 1991 where she majored in English and Music. She and her husband, Doug, also a UVa grad have six children. Christina – UVa, 2014; Chris – VCU, 2015; Maria – a 2018 graduate of PVCC; Douglas, a soon-to-be freshman at Liberty University, Jared – a rising 2nd grader and Drew – a rising Kindergartener at the Regents School of Charlottesville.
Tina homeschooled for twenty years. Born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1969, she’s been an associate pastor, a worship director, and director of a church prayer ministry. Her hobbies are indoor and outdoor DIY projects, music, blogging, and cooking.
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