Review: A Bride’s Dilemma in Friendship, Tennessee by Diana Lesire Brandmeyer
Reviewed by Valerie Comer
On the heels of the Civil War, a dying man gave Doctor Travis Logan the deed to his Tennessee farm. The man’s brain must have been a bit addled, because he also offered Travis Heaven and Angel.
Life is tough in Tennessee as the war closes, and Heaven Wharton has her hands full keeping marauders off her land. Surely soon Pa will return to take Heaven and her sister off to Chicago. Too bad Heaven is a lousy shot. When she attempts to shoot over a man’s head, she accidentally grazes him instead. Horrified, she drags him into the house and tries to save his life.
Angel, her 12-year-old blind sister, has been trying to get a bit more freedom to do things on the farm, but Heaven has been protecting her. It’s been a stop-gap measure while they wait for Pa. But when the stranger regains consciousness, she finds that not only has Pa died and given away the family farm to this. . .this stranger, but he’s thrown in Heaven and Angel as well. Surely that can’t be right!
A Bride’s Dilemma in Friendship, Tennesee is a wonderful glimpse of life in a difficult time. So many men didn’t return home from the Civil War and, of those who did, many were so changed they found it impossible to pick up their lives where they’d left off. This story showcases several characters with differing levels of war-induced trauma, making the issues feel very real.
Although I loved Heaven’s spunk and Travis’s determination, my favorite character was Angel. She has such conflicting emotions and no hesitation speaking up, from wondering if she is a suitable chaperone (being as she’s blind), to telling both Heaven and Travis things to make them think more kindly of the other. So many times I wanted to laugh and cry and cheer with Angel.
If you enjoy historical romance, or possibly even if you don’t, you’ll love A Bride’s Dilemma in Friendship, Tennesee by Diana Lesire Brandmeyer. This is one of my favorite books so far this year.
Christian author Diana Lesire Brandmeyer lives in Southern Illinois where the corn grows at a rapid rate behind her home. She’s married and has three grown sons all on their own now, each of them bringing someone special to join the family. Yay! Daughter-in-laws!
Diana writes historical and contemporary romances. She’s also written We’re Not Blended-We’re Pureed, A Survivor’s Guide to Blended Families. Once widowed and now remarried she writes with humor and experience on the difficulty of joining two families.
A digital copy of this novel was provided by the author for review. However, the opinions are, as always, mine alone.