by Patricia PacJac Carroll
The word is rampant in our news and culture. The definition is bias, preconceived ideas, prejudgment, and bigotry. Ouch! But is anyone really free from prejudice? I doubt it. Like many character flaws and even sins, it is a sneaky.
We can be prejudiced against skin color, ethnicity, language, fat or thin, young or old, poor or rich, and the list goes on. So what is the cure?
Love. Honoring others above ourselves. In short, loving your neighbor as yourself. Easy to say, not so easy to do.
What can you do if you find yourself thinking or speaking ugly? First, recognize it. Second, pray for those you are looking down upon. Third, ask the Lord to help you love them and what specific actions that might entail.
One technique you might think about – flip the verse. If you are not loving your neighbor or a group of people, realize that it may be showing you an area that you are not loving yourself. An area where you don’t believe the Lord loves you.
If we can embrace the fact that God loves us totally and unconditionally, we just might be able to love others who are different.
My new release – Bride and Prejudice deals with prejudice in 1870 Denver. https://www.amazon.com/Bride-Prejudice-Historical-Romance-Hickory-ebook/dp/B01K9I4H1K/
Bride and Prejudice
New release in the Mail Order Brides of Hickory Stick Series
Jacqueline Bedel fled from her home and all she’d ever known. Escape. She couldn’t let Sebastian find her. Ever. With a last look at New Orleans, she clutched the letter in her hand and prayed she was running to a better man. Dr. Blake Morgan wrestled with his past, the hold whiskey held over him, and loneliness. He needed a wife. A good woman would save him.
Hope you enjoy the story.
Patricia PacJac Carroll
Patricia PacJac Carroll~ I am a writer, Christian first, and blessed beyond my imagination. I live in the Dallas-Ft Worth area of Texas with my wonderful treasure of a husband, my spoiled dog, Jacs, and my awesome grown son, Josh. Did I say I was blessed? The PacJac is from my initials and my husbands. I wouldn’t be able to write if it weren’t for him.I love adventure and the open road. The stories of the western era have always been a favorite of mine. I enjoy writing, and my goal is to write stories readers will enjoy.
Hope you are enjoying the series ~ Mail Order Brides of Hickory Stick. I’ll have a new series this year set in Montana – Solomon’s Valley ~ First book is The Feud.
My blogs http://patriciapacjaccarroll.blogspot.com/
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Email pacjaccarroll@aol.com
You can find all my books on my Patricia PacJac Carroll Amazon Author Page http://www.amazon.com/Patricia-PacJac-Carroll/e/B008R9JCN2/
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