by Lillian Duncan
My writing journey has been a long and twisted path—and I made some wrong turns along the way. But God has been with me every step of the way and He has made a way in spite of my wrong turns.
I didn’t start writing until I was forty. For the life of me, I can’t figure that one out since I always had stories in my head. Daydreams I called them. But they were very detailed with interesting characters and plots. Sometimes happy endings and sometimes not so happy.
One day I realized—hey, I’m supposed to be writing those stories down so I did.
It took me a year to finish that first manuscript and it was the most fun I’d had in a long time so I started another one and another.
Even though I was a Christian since my teens I wasn’t living a Christian lifestyle at the time. Along with starting my writing journey, I was also beginning my spiritual journey back to my Christian roots.
My first attempts at writing a novel were mystery and suspense and just like the books I read they were filled with four letter words and gratuitous sex.
When someone called me on the language, I explained that’s how bad guys talk but…I began to wonder about that and the more I prayed about it, the more uncomfortable I became.
About the same time, I got very tired of reading that same bad language and titillating sex scenes in books that would have been much better without them. But the thing that really bothered me the most with some of the mainstream books I read was the negative portrayal of God, traditional values, and Christians.
That led me to Christian fiction.
It occurred to me that you’re either part of the problem or part of the solution. I wanted to be part of the solution. And a Christian fiction writer was born.
I am so thankful that my earlier “raunchy” attempts—oops—I mean mainstream suspense didn’t get published. I’m so glad I didn’t add to the problem.
DARK ALLEYS is a story about a woman who ends up homeless and alone in a dark alley on a cold winter night. She witnesses a murder while in a drunken stupor and almost becomes his second victim. She awakens in the hospital with no clear memory of how she was injured. She attempts to put her life back together but, of course, the murderer has other plans.
I wanted to write a story where the main character was the queen of underdogs and I think I succeeded. Tessa is a mess, just like the rest of us. She could give up and no one could blame her, but she doesn’t. She keeps going—putting one step in front of the other.
And some days that’s all any of us can do.
Those are the days we need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus.
And one step at a time He will lead out of that dark alley and into His light.
Lillian Duncan writes stories of faith mingled with murder & mayhem. She writes the type of books she loves to read—suspense with a touch of romance. Whether as an educator, a writer, or aspeech pathologist, she believes in the power of words to transform lives, especially God’s Word.
To learn more about Lillian and her books, visit: She also has a devotional blog at: You can also connect with her on Twitter as @LillianDuncan and on Facebook at
As an early Christmas gift to your readers, anyone who purchases a copy of THE CHRISTMAS STALKING can receive a FREE e-copy of either DARK ALLEYS or GEESE MATE FOR LIFE. Once you purchase it, simply go to my website ( and send me the order number. I will email you a copy of the book of your choice. Merry Christmas to all!!
Lisa Lickel
/ December 7, 2012Good thoughts and wisdom, Lillian! That was also my mantra as a Parent-Teacher Organization mom – along with, no complaints without solutions.
Donna Winters
/ December 11, 2012Very revealing, and I give you credit for speaking up about your past writing when it might be easier to just let it remain your secret. Thankfully you have restored your relationship with the Father and are serving with wholesome entertainment for people of faith. Blessings to you!