Next week Tuesday is the 2nd year anniversary of my show The Write Stuff where I feature authors of Christian fiction and non-fiction every Tuesday 7pm Eastern time. You can catch show via my blog site at thewritestuff.wordpress.com.
I’ve enjoyed every single show I’ve had the honor to host but there are some that stick out to me for one reason or another.
- Romantic Love vs. Arranged Marriages – This show was my first. My guest, Rachel Rossano contacted me and decided to take a chance on a newbie host and see if we can make this thing work. Incidentally, she’ll be co-hosting with me again for the 2nd year anniversary show.
- God’s Stepchildren – Aliens – My guest, Roystonn Pruitt and I talked about aliens, UFO’s and the place if aliens in fact do exist. I enjoyed this show because I realized we’d hit a topic some church circles neglect to address.
- Multiverses, Magic Potions, and the Cross – My guests that day were Brita Skinner, Rebecca Minor, and David G. Johnson and we discussed all thing Christian speculative fiction. It’s an genre low on the totem pole of Christian fiction but we had such a great time.
- The Secret Everyone Knows – My guest, Minister Yvette Tatum touched on a very sensitive topic of child sexual abuse. We had callers and commentators. I was honored to be used in such a way to help those who are hurting get help. Since then, I’ve made a decision that as long as God allows me, my show will be an avenue to address this issue.
- Christian Horror – Enough said! My guest Nancy LaRonda Johnson had a great time talking about this. It…scared some of our listeners. Bwahahaha!
- Stereotypes, Hillbillies, and the Truth – My guest Debbie Richard was such a great host. She expounded on the stereotypes we all know and love and then shared her family story with us.
- The Fourth Dimension – This show is probably my favorite. My guest, Josh Peck and I talked about time, quantum physics, string theory and the wonder and depth of our Lord. It was fantastic topic we explored
- Romancing the Red Planet – My guest Douglas Woodward discussed why we are so in love with our planetary neighbor next door and whether or not we should believe we may soon have clear cut evidence of our Martian friends
- Wherever the Evidence Leads – Lewis Smith went down and dirty on obliterating the lies famous books like the Da Vinci Code and other revisionist religious historical fiction try to tear down the faith.
- YOUR SHOW – Do you want me to host your book on my show? I’d love to! Simply contact me at writestuffradio@gmail.com. As you can see we talk about a wide range of topics that affect the diverse Christian community. Each book tells a different story. Each author brings their own spin. Let me know. I’d love to have you.
About the Author:
Parker J. Cole is a writer and radio show host who spends most of her time reading, knitting, writing, cooking, and concocting new ideas for stories. Her first novel, Dark Cherub, won Best of Spring Reading 2013 from eMediaCampaigns. She lives in Michigan with her husband and beloved dog Sarah.
Visit her site at http://www.ParkerJCole.com