Check out this interview I did with Urban Image Magazine!
Award winning author Parker J. Cole not only enjoys fascinating her readers with amazingly interesting stories, she also loves hosting her own radio show. She resides in Michigan. There she knits, cooks, writes and reads other captivating novels.
Jamantha Williams Watson: Welcome Parker. It is a pleasure to have you today as our guest. As a radio host, entrepreneur and author, you have achieved quite a bit in your career. Please tell us more about yourself.
Parker J. Cole: Thanks first and foremost for allowing me to interview with you today. Officially, I’m the author of the edgy Christian romance Sins of the Flesh series as well as the executive of the new PJC Media Network. I’ve been a host of a couple of years but now I have created my own online broadcasting network which I’m really excited about. As an author, I’m working to produce more books and am branching off into one of my first loves of writing, speculative fiction. I’m doing that as an honor to my grandmother who was the original geek in the family long before anyone else. I can’t tell you how many old sci-fi movies we watched in her room on the weekends. She taught me how to read and write and cultivated a love for reading. That’s the official answer for who I am. Unofficially, as I like to say, I’m a diehard Trekkie (TOS), sci-fi lover, fantasy dweller, romance junkie, anime freak, old movie buff, church-goer, off and on Mountain Dew and marshmallow recovering addict who writes to fill the void the sugar left behind.
Jamantha Williams Watson: Haaaa, and you’re quite a lively personality, I might add. Please tell us, what was the defining moment that catapulted your writing career?
Parker J. Cole: The defining moment was when I lost my job back in 2010. I worked in a high pressure environment for three years. By the time I lost my job, my left eye had started to twitch every day. When I was let go, that very day until now, my left eye hasn’t twitched. Now that I had time at home, I realized that I had my first book still on my computer. I’d spent ten years writing and rewriting this book and it had never seen the light of day. I remember being in my apartment and staring at the screen saying, “No more waiting. This will get published.” I utilized the services of a vanity press (which I would not recommend by the way, looking back) and when my book, “Dark Cherub” was published, I bawled like a baby. No longer was it a dream, this was reality.
For the rest of the interview, click here.
About the Author:
Parker J. Cole is a writer and radio show host who spends most of her time reading, knitting, writing, cooking, and concocting new ideas for stories. Her first novel, Dark Cherub, won Best of Spring Reading 2013 from eMediaCampaigns. She lives in Michigan with her husband and beloved dog Sarah.
Visit her site at http://www.ParkerJCole.com