God is more powerful than the devil, stronger than any werewolf or vampire, fictional creatures that do not exist. Yet go into any bookstore and there’s an entire section dedicated to subjects like that, all labeled paranormal romance. That’s disturbing to me because the fact is, when we, as young adult authors, do not provide the type of literature teens are interested in, they will find it elsewhere. And statistics show that they have.
This book attempts to rectify that, to show God as the Scriptures say He is, more powerful than Satan, and ultimately, willing to love, heal, and save any who turn to Him. That it does it through a seventeen-year-old girl and boy is fitting. God’s power isn’t limited to adults. What of Him we pour into the lives of our children will become their backbone in the future. This makes it of vital importance that they know how to pray, how to worship, and how to minister to their friends just as Sara Benedict and Angus Finlay do.
The contrast between secular subjects and these characters are huge. Because God and satanic forces are real, and Satan will use any method to deceive our children (those raised in the church and those not raised in the church) aside from the gospel. I wrote this story as much for those who don’t believe as for those who do. If one person, one child, reads it and realizes who God is, it was worth every bit of my time.
I prayed over every page. I worshipped before writing. I studied the Scriptures. In short, I came away from this book a better person than I was before I began it. What God gave me as the seed of an idea turned into something huge in my heart. I want everyone to have that same revelation.
Teens, adults, parents and grandparents, need to read this book! Not because I wrote it, but because of the truth in it. Though the power of the main character, Sara Benedict, and her boyfriend, Angus Finlay, is depicted as actual (and God’s power IS actual and can do the things in the book) much of the storyline is an analogy to the tenets of our faith.
It’s an entertaining read, but it’s meant to also turn the reader toward the power of the Resurrection, toward Christ’s work on the cross, and the defeat of the devil through His victorious triumph. That part of the story, I didn’t write at all, but is found in the pages of the Bible. This fictional tale simply presents it, I hope, where some can understand it on a different level.
Angus glanced upward. Had he really seen that?
But at the sound of her voice, it came again. They blinked in a wave, a kaleidoscope of color from east to west that grew in brilliance to a shade of Light he’d never seen before, and her words intensified, words similar to those she’d spoken over Mrs. Butler, yet somehow not alike at all. These were singular, each one more crucial than the last.
She lifted her arms higher and the stars seemed to bow toward the horizon, where a thread of Light came, Light in that same unearthly shade. It sought her out, stretching its rays in the darkness solely to her face, and in that instant, she changed. No longer was she a girl in blue jeans and a t-shirt, but a glowing orb of pure, heavenly brilliance.
Her song ceased and she lifted as it were from the earth, her feet not touching the ground, to not a great height, perhaps ten feet or so, but one not suspended or held by anything. And the Light spread a beam, stretching, reaching through her toward him, and smacked him full in the face. Fire raced over his limbs, not as heat, but incredible power. The same he’d felt from her hands at school only stronger. He crumpled beneath the strength of it, his body sagging to the earth, his face laid flat against the ground, and a shape walked across the space between them.
It paused before him, a man, but a man greater than other men. Waving one arm outward, his commanding voice said, “Look and believe.”
WINGS (Paranormal Romance #1)
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Called from birth to carry the Light of God into a world filled with Darkness, seventeen-year-old Sara Benedict finds the mission this time has changed. This city, this school, is more about her growth. No longer will she function alone, but she needs Angus Finlay to fulfill the prophecies.
Yet there’s something deeper going on behind the scenes, and the harder she tries, the greater the danger seems. Her work of rescue must continue, but this task just might shut off the Light inside her once and for all.
An allegorical look at the power of Christ’s death and resurrection from best-selling young adult author, SUZANNE D. WILLIAMS.
About the Author:
Best-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes a monthly column for Steves-Digicams.com on the subject of digital photography, as well as devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors.
To learn more about what she’s doing visit http://suzanne-williams-photography.blogspot.com/ or link with her on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/suzannedwilliamsauthor.