We’ve had lots of delectable goodies this holiday. We’re about done with it all. From the fudge to the pies to the cobblers, cakes, cookies and more candy we’re down to marshmallows around here. If all we ate were the things we want we’d be sick eventually. There has to be some good things eaten along with the those things. In fact, if we suddenly had no more candy and desserts we’d still have plenty of good things to enjoy.
Whatever you’ve been overindulging in now is the time to throw the leftovers out. Indulge in unforgiveness and you will only reap more of it. Indulge in pointing the finger and you’ll find yourself with a huge board in your own eye. That hurts. Indulge in self pity, self righteousness, self protection and you’ll find yourself all alone and full of self.
Oh beloved, maybe you’ve messed up. You let the devil get the upper hand with your life, your mouth, your actions, your reactions. The quickest way to clean up the mess is to repent and throw it all out! Don’t keep holding onto the things that make for war. Instead hold onto the things that make for peace. This is a year for restoration and it starts with you and me. And what God has promised you will take place – He will restore the good. Pray often, pray continually, pray with your understanding and pray in the Spirit! If you have to overindulge, overindulge in love, forgiveness and compassion. Overindulge in forgiving yourself and for sure forgiving others. Help God make this a red letter year by focusing on the red letters in the Word of God – the Words of Christ. Let them dwell richly in you and fill yourself up with them.
God loves you and He’s for you. It’s already forgiven because He already knew what you would do before the foundation of the world. But get with Him, get the needed remedy for things of the flesh and rejoice that each new day is Jubilee Day with Him. Live in the Light of His Forgiveness and let Him shine His glory all around you as you walk in His mercy and Grace!
Micah 7:18 Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity and passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His possession? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in showing mercy.
Ephesians 4:32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Isaiah 43:25 “I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, And I will not remember your sins.
Matthew 6:14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
About the Author:
In a Christian Women’s meeting in 1983, Rebekah was given a prophetic message that she would write books. Several years ago she began writing stories about special holiday memories and travels, sharing God’s love and care through each story. God has gifted Rebekah with the ability to look at the natural and see the supernatural. Both Rebekah and her husband Danny have a heart to share the Gospel and the riches of life in Christ to everyone they meet. They have served in the local church and in ministry to motorcyclists. Danny is an ordained minister and they both have been Bible study teachers for many years. Rebekah also speaks at women’s retreats and conferences. Her tag line says it all “God loves you and He’s for you”.
My website is http://rebekahbeene.wordpress.com