by Mary Hamilton
More than three decades ago, I met a woman in a home Bible study who would have a lasting impact on my life. She was widow who had remarried. She loved the Lord and was a real prayer warrior.
I was newly married, and at the time, my husband’s work required him to be away from home twelve out of every fourteen days. When I complained about him being gone so much, this wise woman took my hand and said, “Honey, the only thing worse than a husband who travels all the time…is a husband who never travels. My first husband traveled a lot, and I didn’t like it at all. But now, my husband never travels and oh, how I’d love an occasional evening to myself!” Her words have seen me through thirty-five plus years of marriage, some of which involved many nights alone and others when I too longed for an evening to myself.
My friend always grew teary-eyed whenever we prayed and, for a long time, I considered that odd. Only years later, after I’d experienced a time of brokenness before the Lord, did I understand those precious tears.
In time, we both ended up at a different church and discovered a shared love of books and reading. A small women’s book club provided us many hours of sweet fellowship. I regret not making more effort to visit her after she and her husband moved into senior housing outside our little community. She provided such encouragement for me in my writing efforts. Every time I sent out my author newsletter, I’d count on getting an email from her. As I penned my recent novel, she and the other ladies in our book club were often on my mind. In fact, the dedication lists each of them by name. I couldn’t wait to surprise them with their own autographed copies. But before I had a chance to send this dear friend her copy, the Lord called her home. She never knew she had a book dedicated to her. Never got to read the novel written with her in mind.
At her memorial service, friends recalled the constant sparkle in her eyes, her love of books and our book club. But more than that, they spoke of her legacy of loving God, and loving people, encouraging others to study the Bible and to pray.
I can only hope to leave half the legacy she left behind. But it’s comforting to know she’s celebrating Christmas this year with Christ Himself. As another friend observed, while we sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing, she’ll be singing with the herald angels.
Mary L. Hamilton is the author of the Rustic Knoll Bible Camp series for young teens, as well as Pendant, the adult mystery she intended to send to her friend. In her spare time, Mary enjoys knitting, photography and spending time with her family. Learn more at