My Scar! My Testimony! By Lorieen D. Henry

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Lorieen Henry

I’m in the hospital recovering from hernia surgery and many thoughts run through my head. My number one concern this morning was how will my scar look after this wound heals. I told the nurse, “I’m shooting for a sexy scar.” The nurse said, “you will have the whole winter so it will be sexy by summer.” After she said that, I thought, “who cares? I am focused on the wrong thing.”

As I was pondering on what to share, it hit me, “For every scar I have, there is a testimony attached.” When scars are embraced, they are beautiful. The positive can be extracted from what may have been an uncomfortable situation.

Sure, I will have a scar on my stomach, but my testimony outshines the scar. I can testify of how God spared my life yet again. Anytime the doctors open you up or give you anesthesia, there are many risks involved. However, God covered me through dangers seen and unseen. Yes, I will have a scar, but in comparison to what could have happened…Praise God for just a scar.

Let me encourage you: Your scar may be physical or it may be emotional, but it signifies you overcame something. The good news is that you made it through. It could have been fatal, but you were given more time to glorify God through what He created you to do.

Through this ordeal, I was guided to Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”

For as long as I stand on God’s word and allow it to light my path, my scar will serve as my testimony and I can embrace it as a beautiful part of me.

It is my prayer that you never look at your scars the same. May you view them as an opportunity to glorify God.

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1 Comment

  1. Miata

     /  September 19, 2014

    Thank you for sharing that my sis and I have to learn to embrace my scars and look for good because it far outweighs the bad.


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