My Journey with Loopiethotamus- Pursuing Your Dreams

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by Ayana Sala Baugh

imageGod created Loopiethotamus for me back in July 2006 when my life was turned upside down. I was blinded by unspeakable fear and filled with so much anxiety and inner turmoil. At the time, I didn’t know God had given this gift to me because, for one, I didn’t have a relationship with God; and second, I didn’t understand who I was to God. I didn’t believe in any of it at all. I didn’t know how to believe in it. However, as my relationship with God developed more and more, I began to appreciate the greatness that was placed onto my lap.

In July 2006, the idea of Loopiethotamus was just a mere notion, a fleeting thought. He was created based off of my purebred blue Chihuahua Loopie that I had at the time. I purchased my Chihuahua in February 2006, in all honesty, because I needed something to cling to. With my mental capacity being challenged, and just feeling so desperate to move forward, I felt I needed something to take the pressure off. My Loopie at the time gave me a sense of normalcy. Now, I realize that nothing can heal the inward wounds of our lives, but Jesus. However, as Loopiethotamus began to come together, I believe, I was able to grow within myself. God allowed me to tap into the creativity He placed on the inside of me in the midst of utter confusion.

There have been some bumps in the road with Loopiethotamus imageand I. I wrote the first story in August 2006 and it took me two years to write the second story. I had the first story thrown all over the place- in my kitchen drawer, in my dresser, in my night table drawer. My husband would push me to write more, but my heart wasn’t in it then. I couldn’t see the blessing before my eyes.

When I think about the roads I’ve had to take in this journey, there have been a lot of them. From developing the story, to developing the character, to developing his suit, to developing his family, to developing his motto, to understanding what he means to me, to understanding how he would be portrayed to the public. Everything came in stages. The stages have been great because now I get to look back and think, “Wow, look how far I’ve come!” And not just with Loopiethotamus, but also within myself. If things would’ve come easy, there would be no true gratitude and no true growth.

There have been so many people God has brought my way that see my vision and want to help it come into fruition. I thank God for these people because I’ve learned over the past few years that we cannot make a dream come true on our own. It takes a lot of heartfelt collaboration. There are so many people I will have to thank when I accept an award for Loopiethotamus at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards one day. They’re going to begin playing that silly music for me to get off the stage!

Loopiethotamus has now become a reality and I am no longer afraid to dream. The first dream was writing more than one book; now there are a total of 22 books written! The second dream was to see my character illustrated. God granted me that dream come true in September 2010 when He found my illustrator that brought Loopiethotamus to life on paper from my innermost vision. The third dream was to have one book published; now there have been three books published since March 2011! In the midst of everything that was happening in my life, the ups and the downs, the twists and the turns; God also allowed for His perfect timing. He allowed for my son to be born so I could dedicate him in my first book. I couldn’t imagine any element of my dreams coming true without my son being an intricate part of it.


I thank God that I am actually able to see the pursuit of my dreams coming true. I believe they will all come true, but I also realize that God is orchestrating everything and I’m okay with that because when we allow Him to orchestrate, we are able to witness the most perfect symphony ever created! Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “Plans for your good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

I will tell anyone that has a dream to keep at it. Never give up! It is so easy to sit on your dreams and not believe they will come true, but that is a lie. Dreams, awesome dreams, do take time, but when you work hard and believe in yourself, anything is possible! When you keep God first and include Him in all facets, your dreams will soar to places you’ve never imagined. It all starts with just one thought, one concept, one idea and then…BOOM…BANG…ZOOM!! You never know how the wind may blow… God bless you and all of your dreams, big and small.

image-To support local author, Ayana Sala Baugh of the children’s book series, “Loopiethotamus, the Chihuahua Who Thinks He is a Hippopotamus,” you can purchase books and/or send her a comment on her website: You can email her at and/or LIKE Loopiethotamus on She is also available for speaking engagements, school and public author visits, book readings, book fairs, and/or self-publishing advice.

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