Meet Grace & Faith 4U Author: Naty Matos

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Good morning, everyone! Today we at Grace & Faith 4U are pleased to welcome inspirational author, Naty Matos to our humble abode.  Naty’s book “Growth Lessons” is a collection of devotionals based on her life experiences, questions from fellow Christians and the Word of God.

Welcome, Naty.  We’d love to hear a little about you apart from the writing thing.

I am a fur mommy to a dog name Kary Grace who thinks she’s human, which is my entire fault for spoiling her rotten. I’m a daughter to a single mom who taught me that without God nothing is possible. I’m also an active leader at Victory World Church in Georgia. I have been described as down to earth, witty and a little free-spirited.

Free-spirited. Nothing wrong with that.  It sounds like your mom had a big influence on your Christian walk. How did you come to be a Christian writer?

This is an interesting story. I was going through a rough time in my life. I had just renewed my commitment to the Lord and had returned to my writing roots; which started when I was fourteen. I wanted to write a novel about a female serial killer, but I didn’t get passed 22 pages. Every time I tried to continue writing the story, I felt convicted. I finally heard God telling me that He had given me this gift for His Glory not for entertainment or worldly satisfaction and I embraced that. I embraced the fact that God chose me and my experiences to help others get closer to him.

Wow!  That’s awesome, Naty. It is so important for authors to use the gifts God gave to build up rather than tear down, isn’t it?  Tell us about where this journey of writing God’s Glory has taken you.

I started my professional writing career with the publication of two inspirational short stories with Whispering Angel Books with the stories, “The Janitor” in the book “Hope Whispers” and “Obedience” in the book “Living Lessons.”

My first authored book “Growth Lessons” was published on Oct. 17, 2011. This is a devotional of life lessons that I encountered in my first year of returning to God, my personal healing and recovery process and the journey of learning the Christian Lifestyle in a practical way.

I also host a blog with Christian Living topics three times a week at

Great. I’m always up for hearing the stories and how God is working in people’s lives. I will definitely have to check that out.  It sounds like you’ve spent a great deal of time processing everything, so I’m sure there are lessons we could learn in your experience. I’m curious, if you could give one piece of advice about life, what would it be and why?

To live one day at a time and enjoy every moment as it comes.   The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:34 “So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.”  I know I lived my life trying to plan, pursue the future and making decision on my own, not knowing that I’m not the driver of the plan and not enjoying what was in front of me. Tomorrow has not been promised, yesterday is gone, and all we have is the present.

It’s amazing how similar your experience sounds to so many others out there.  So, do you have a quote or saying that you live by?  Where did it come from?  Why does it speak to you so deeply?

“The day of perfection is not scheduled on earth.”  It’s actually mine, but it came from my healing process through Celebrate Recovery (A Christian based recovery program for all types of hurts habits and hang-ups). I joined this program to heal my heart from a history of abuse. I had some serious self-esteem issues and wanted to be perfect to obtain acceptance. I learned that God loves me as I am and that my Christian life is a journey and a process. I learned that only HE is perfect and that I was pressing unrealistic expectations on myself that were interrupting my spiritual growth.

No days of perfection are coming while we’re here then? Rats! 🙂

Just kidding. That’s a fantastic quote because I think so often we do think we’re going to find perfection here.  To understand that here is not going to be perfect frees us from thinking something’s wrong when it’s not.  So, what are you working on right now?

I’m working on my first Christian Fiction novel titled “The Road Home.” It’s the life of a woman who was looking for love in all the wrong places, suffered the consequences for it and when she found the true love needed to resolve a mystery in her life to be able to be with him.

I’m hoping it will be available by the summer of 2012.

You’re working on a new book and publishing a new book.  Do you have anything else going that we might be interested in?

I host a blog on where I discuss Christian Living Topics and other topics of interests on Monday and Wednesday. Then on Fridays we have Worship Friday were we have a music video with an inspirational message to end the week in a good note and embrace the weekend.

I’m promoting my devotional “Growth Lessons.” This book means a lot to me. As I said before during my recovery process I found that even being a Christian for so many years I wasn’t living by the Word but by the World. I felt like a baby that had to start from the ground. I needed to learn how to manage my finances, how to manage my relationships, embrace the love of God, his Mercy and Grace and I had to bury my nose in the Bible to find the practical answers of how that looks in the day to day life.

I felt the need to share those lessons because I’m sure I was not the only one with those questions or who needs a reminder when we are struggling.  I think is an awesome book for new believers, for returning believers and even for the season saints for those days where some inspiration is needed.

The book is available on Kindle

And Smashwords

Wonderful!  Where can G&F4U readers find you on the ‘net?

I can be found through my website/blog

I’m also on twitter with the handle @natycmatos

On Goodreads

And on Facebook with my fan page!/pages/Naty-Matos/172298772847562

Thank you so much for stopping by, Naty.  Your story is so inspiring! Please come back again sometime. We would love to hear more.

Until next time… Have a blessed day, everyone!

Join Naty Matos and 9 of her author friends at WoMen’s Literary Cafe’s Christian Book Launch, December 13-15. Ten authors will discount their ebooks to just 99 cents. Buy 3 get 1 FREE!

Naty Matos is the author of “Growth Lessons.” The devotionals inside “Growth Lessons” are based on the life experiences of the author, questions from fellow Christians and the Word of God. They will motivate you in times of trouble and it may answer some of your questions about how to live your everyday life in Christ.  See it for yourself (makes a great Christmas present!) at:

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  1. Naty – what an amazing story! I’m sending you a virtual hug. Thanks for being bold and taking the lessons you’ve learned in your life and letting God use them to reach out to others.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Naty!

  3. Wonderful interview. I’m so glad God has allowed our paths to cross – I look forward to our growing friendship.

  4. Marion

     /  December 10, 2011

    Naty, awesome interview! Thanks for sharing. Very inspirational! Praise the Lord! I am so grateful that He allowed our paths to cross.


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