by C.J. Peterson
Valentine’s Day sometimes brings heartache to many people. There are those who have lost their one true love over the year, their best friend, or another close family member. We tend to think of Valentine’s Day just being for lovers. I want to challenge that.
In John 13:34- 35, Jesus give us a new commandment: “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (KJV)
My thoughts behind this are that we are to love one another, which is true. Now, bear with me while I bring this together. Valentine’s Day is to celebrate the love we have for those close to our hearts…not just our lover. That includes our best friend, a sweet friend from church, a recent widow or widower, that young child in your class who has recently entered foster care, …and the list could go on. We are to love one another, and not just one day a year, but every day.
This year, as some of you may know, Trevor lost one of his close friends, Max. I also lost my dad. Both of them were very close to our hearts…but so were their other halves. So, this year on Valentine’s Day when we celebrated our love for each other, we made sure to include them as well. We called Max’s widow, who is also one of our best friends, and asked her to be our Valentine for this year. She agreed, and her smile brought immediate joy to our hearts. We also called my mom and sister, and asked the same thing. Again, instant joy at their acceptance.
That joy is priceless – to the giver and to the receiver. That joy is a love that has bonded us. As a family in Christ, we need to have that joy and love for all of our Christian family members. Jesus said that by that love, all men know that ye are my disciples.
Are you spreading and sharing that joy? Not just for your significant other, but toward others as well? Just like the light of a candle can be spread to many, the love in your heart can be spread as well. The beauty of spreading that love, is that it comes back to you tenfold! Spread the love not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day. See the grin on the face of that cashier when you give them a smile, and tell them to have a blessed day. See the joy in that young child’s face when you give them the blessing of kind words or even a hug when appropriate. Feel your heart leap when you look after a close friend or best friend when they are down, and you can make them smile and laugh.
About the Author:
I was raised in a Christian military home, but it was far from tranquil. Like many young people, I left home as soon as possible, and went my own way, thinking I knew better. To me anything was better than where I was. Unfortunately, some of the choices I made led me away from the Lord, and sometimes that path was a dangerous one.
God is faithful, even when His children are lost and wandering. When I needed Him most, the Lord was there for me. He led me out of that danger and into a new life…a life where I am loved and appreciated. He taught me what ‘real love’ is, and what it’s supposed to look like through my family and wonderful husband.
Who knew that “Prince Charming” actually existed? I hoped and prayed he was out there, and I found him! He is a 24 year Navy veteran and the love of my life! With his encouragement, I rediscovered the creativity I thought I had lost a long time ago, and have begun to publish the books I have written through the years. The words in these books helped me through my struggles, and my prayer is they will help others.
The way in which I write my Christian Books, is unique to say the least. I am a realistic Christian. People are people, they stumble, they fall, they trip, but God continues to dust us off, and set us back on the path again, if we just learn to trust in Him.
The challenges faced in my past give me a perspective on the realities of living the Christian life that some people may never see. There are times we wander away from God…there are times when we draw closer to Him. In our arrogance we think we can make it on our own. However, the One who made this world, and who made you, has the answers, and thankfully, He forgives our impudence and petulance and loves us through it all. God is a God of love, mercy, grace, and guidance. He loves us and only wants the best for us.
Those who have read my books, describe them as encouraging, frustrating, and a wonderful read all at the same time. The same character that could have you crying one minute, will have you cheering the next! One of my editors, stated that ‘she was so into the story, that she forgot to edit, and had to go back to do the editing’.
I pray you will enjoy my books as well!
While the stories are fiction, the journey is real.
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