Welcome to Grace & Faith for you Sharon. When did you first discover that you were a writer?
Believe it or not, I went to bed one night, a normal person, and woke up the next morning determined to write a book. I know, now, where that came from. It was more than a little weird at the time.
I totally understand, tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I love a good courtroom drama. Fantasy when it’s well done. By well done, I mean it has to completely draw me into a different world. Mysteries, and Romantic suspense are devoured at my house like chocolate covered cherries.
How do you keep your sanity in this crazy fast paced world of ours?
I guess I’m a product of our environment. I like being busy. Even on a vacation I have to consciously tell myself to slow down and enjoy the moment. Sanity…I’m a writer, that option took a hike a few years back.
What is your favorite food?
I have two rules when I cook. If it’s sweet add chocolate. If it isn’t sweet add cheese.
I totally agree, I’m a chocolate and cheese person myself. So, If you could invite a fictional character to dinner who would it be and why?
Oh, can I pick two? Merlin and Spock. Merlin because I’m captivated by the whole knights in armor, Arthur, slaying the dragon thing. Spock because…well…because the idea of extraterrestrial life interests me. If we ever find life out there, I’d hope they would be wise and beneficial sort like Vulcans. Not the I’ve come to destroy your world we see portrayed 99% of the time.
Haha! I like that. So now that you have released Callie, What do you hope readers will take away from this book?
That sometimes we spend too much time beating ourselves up for something God has already forgiven and forgotten. That we do a disservice to ourselves and others when we indulge in those feelings.
Where can our readers find you online?
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/SharonSrock
Find me on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6448789.Sharon_Srock
Thanks for your time Sharon, it has been a pleasure having you with us.
You can obtain Callie at:
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/ October 22, 2012Great interview!
Sharon Srock
/ October 22, 2012Megan, thanks for stopping by!
Susan Stahley
/ October 22, 2012I love her answer to who she would most want to be. I would have never guessed Merlin and Spock! Thanks for asking such great questions.
Sharon Srock
/ October 24, 2012Susan, it would make for such a “fascinating” dinner conversation!
Donna B Snow
/ October 23, 2012I loved your interview, ladies, and your story as well, Sharon. God bless!
Sharon Srock
/ October 24, 2012Donna, thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you enjoyed the story.