by Mary L. Hamilton
“Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” Deuteronomy 4:9 (NIV)
One of my challenges for this year is to memorize a verse each week. If I’m successful, I’ll have memorized 52 new verses by the end of the year. But at my age, the old remember-er isn’t as sharp as it used to be. I figured I’d at least see how far into the year I could make it before giving up. So far, I’m managing to stay up with my schedule, although it takes more and more review to keep the addresses straight. But whenever the Spirit shows me something about the verse for the week, I’m encouraged to keep trying.
This week, while working to memorize the verse above, I went over the part about not letting things slip from your…memory? Mind? I checked for the correct phrasing. Do not…let them slip from your heart...
Because the heart remembers things long after the mind forgets. What touches our heart lasts longer than the things in our head. We’re told not to forget the things our eyes have seen, the things God has done on our behalf, but rather hold them in our heart as long as we live, teaching them to our children and our grandchildren.
I’ve taught my children what I know about God, my head knowledge, but have I taught them the holy memories of my heart? Did I ever tell them of the way God spoke to me in my rebellion and turned me around? Have I shared with them the unusual assurance I felt in an emergency room far from home? Did I ever mention how a still small voice whispered not to be afraid to be who He made me to be?
Don’t forget the things you’ve seen. Don’t let them slip from your heart. Look for them daily, those holy moments when we observe what the Lord has done. And tell them to your children, and to their children after them.
Mary L. Hamilton is the author of The Rustic Knoll Bible Camp series for middle grade readers, and Pendant, a cozy mystery for adult readers. She also enjoys knitting and photography.
Find her at: www.maryhamiltonbooks.com
/ April 23, 2018Love your reminder to share what God has done in our lives. Congratulations in memorizing a verse a week. I’m tackling with memorizing one a month and loving it. Been a long time. Blessings, my friend!