It’s amazing to look back at all the accomplishments that we’ve had in a year. It’s amazing that what started with a handful of authors wanting to get together with one vision, working together to provide quality Christian books to the readers and support Christian authors throughout their careers, it’s now close to 200 authors and tons of books published all in one year.
The best way to celebrate all those accomplishments this group has had in the last year is to hear from some of the authors themselves about their experience with GNFA.
Mary C. Findley-“I wouldn’t know much of anything about Christian book promotion or have as many awesome fellow writer friends if it weren’t for GNFA.”
Ada Brownell-“I am thankful for GNFA because of how it has increased my horizons in marketing, camaraderie, support, and given me spiritual encouragement and blessings. What a blessing all of you have been to me!”
Precarious Yates-“I have had increased sales because of GNFA, that’s for sure! Also, the encouragement from fellow authors who ‘get’ the trials of an author–that is priceless!”
Mikayla Kayne-“Oh the things I would have done differently if I had GNFA in my life two years ago. It’s been an amazing resource for education, encouragement, and friendship. I especially love seeing the excitement and rallying around new releases and chart climbers.”
Lynnette Bonner“GNFA is a place where authors from all walks come together to support, encourage, uplift, and promote one another. It is also a place where those new to marketing can come to find fabulous tips and ideas for what works and what doesn’t work in promotion. I’m thrilled to be part of the group!”
Suzanne Williams”GNFA taught me how to market my books and provided encouragement to keep writing.I’ve made lots of great friends.”
Heather Hart– “I love the fellowship, encouragement, and advice offered here.”
Diane Lesire Brandmeyer- “GFNA has shown me how to focus on marketing in a small amount of time. The support of this group is priceless.”
Bev Schrader Nault-”When I felt alone and clueless, the GFNA community embraced me.”
April McGowan-”GNFA has taught me to push ahead and try–not to wait for someone else to market my book. They’ve been a place of encouragement, a place of celebration–a place of support and prayer. I’m so grateful to be part of the group!”
Shelley Hitz-“I love GNFA. Being part of an active community of Christian authors has been so encouraging for me. Writing and publishing can be very lonely at times and yet GNFA has provided the much needed camaraderie encouragement and support I needed during a difficult time in my life. Thank you Staci, Naty and every one of you…I’m so thankful to have found this group.”
God Bless you all and looking forward to another year of great writing! Stay connected with us on Facebook and Twitter
Staci Stallings Naty Matos
/ October 27, 2012It has been a joy to get to know some of better.