by Sherry Chamblee
The Bible tells us God spoke and the world came to life. How powerful God’s literal word is!
Scientists tell us that an unseen energy lends cohesiveness to the universe. They don’t understand what it is. They can’t quantify it or describe it or put it into scientific terms except to call it ‘dark matter.’ What if this dark matter is literally the energy from God’s eternal voice? God’s energy itself holding the universe together. The Bible describes it that way. Is this too hard for us to believe?
God’s voice builds, heals, creates connections, moves us on an emotional level. What if that’s another way God wants us to emulate Him?
God tells us to praise Him with our voice. The sounds we make are important to Him.
God puts great emphasis on the things we speak, the sounds we make. He tells us to uplift others, to be encouraging, to praise Him, to not say the wrong things.
What if our spoken curses and spoken hatred actually damages the air around us? What if it’s more than just hurting someone’s feelings – which is bad enough – but is actually that we tear down something in the world around us when we make sounds infused with anger and hatred. Is that too much to believe?
What if our loving words, the emotional-laden expressions of love and gratitude, build up the world around us, create a place that’s healthy and praiseworthy? Is that too much to believe?
Often times I’m quiet. I don’t say much out loud when worshiping God. Maybe that’s a bad thing? Maybe I should be speaking His praises out loud, not just in my mind.
Maybe God wants our voices to join in with His, all pointing to Himself in praise.
So today I want to concentrate on the speaking of praises to God.
We praise God in prayer.
Praise Him for who He is. Praise Him for what He does. Praise Him for the things I understand. Praise Him for the things I don’t understand.
We praise God through song. Our singing voices are a wonderful instrument of praise to God.
We honor God by uplifting others the way God tells us to.
Praise the people around you. Speak things to them that bring them up. Don’t think it and not say it. Be vocal. Not only because they need to know, but because God commands it.
We praise God by telling them about Jesus Christ. By lifting up what Christ did on the cross for us, we bring to their mind the greatest promise that God gives to us. And by sharing the gospel, we participate in the greatest praise I can imagine.
Psalms 75:1
“Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare.”
Deuteronomy 10:21
“He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen.”
About the Author:
Sherry grew up in various cities around northern and central California. This gave her all sorts of stories that sat and festered in her brain, waiting to be let loose. She eventually went to college in Wisconsin, where she met her equally frenetic husband, Rich. They have six (yes, count them) children, two dogs and a cat, and currently reside in a madhouse in the southern California area. As a family, they enjoy being active in their local church. Sherry spends her time writing when not caring for Granny, the kids, the dogs, the cat and any number of strays in the neighborhood.
Sherry Chamblee can be found at http://www.sherrychamblee.weebly.com Or check out her books at http://www.amazon.com/Sherry-Chamblee/e/B00BA06RJ2/