by Suzanne D. Williams
It was the plan of the ages, set in place by GOD HIMSELF. God would send God to earth, conceived by God, so that God could die and inherit what God willed God to have.
God wrote the rules. He made a God-promise with a man named Abraham, whose descendants would become as innumerable as the stars in the heavens, as the sand by the seashore. God swore by God to keep God’s Word because there was no God any greater.
It was ALL GOD, the people created in God’s image after God’s likeness, the nation set apart as God’s. The God-rescue was underway. God would do what God said He would do according to the Laws He wrote to do it.
It was God’s plan. It was God’s story, God’s plot, to be done in God’s timing, the way God had chosen. And no other one could do it.
He prophesied it. God spoke through God’s prophets of the type and measure of God’s plan. Over ages of time, He detailed God the Deliverer as Emmanuel, God with us. God would come and God would accomplish everything God required of Himself. The LAMB OF GOD provided by God in a body prepared by God before time began.
Son of Man, Son of God, the LIGHT, the LIFE, Lord of all, Lord of Hosts, Lord of the Sabbath. Healer, Savior, both High Priest and Sacrifice. God’s body on earth was the curtain into God’s Presence. God giving access to God so that God could come and live in men and be their God.
God as Father revealed by God as Son through the power of God as Spirit, a God-union eternal and forever and everlasting. One God of all. One Father of all. The First-begotten Son of God. God the Holy Spirit, the very Breath of GOD HIMSELF.
God as LOVE. God as GRACE. God as HOLINESS. GOD as RIGHTEOUSNESS, as WISDOM, as FIRE and GLORY. GOD as KINDNESS. GOD as COMPASSION. GOD as PATIENCE, such LONGSUFFERING. Never rushed, never surprised, never absent-minded, never late.
All the aspects of God, all His GOODNESS sent to earth on God-display. GOD walking as MAN and GOD in order to lay down the life of God at the hour of His choosing. BUT GOD. But God knew the end before the beginning and what God had decided would happen would come to pass as God had spoken it when He spoke it. BECAUSE GOD.
This was a God-finale. God would raise God from death, victorious over hell and the grave. It was GOD HIMSELF from start to finish, a triumph underscored by God, a RESURRECTION powered by God, a KINGDOM designed by God, for one reason only.
Not because ONLY GOD could do it, although that is true. Not because God was all-knowing and all-powerful. These are for certain. No, God’s Story came to pass because God longed to reunite with His children and return to them the God-power given before the first chapter was written.
A God-narrative which is still ongoing. God is seeking those who haven’t heard what God did, who don’t know God as Jesus, who haven’t seen God as Father, who once baptized in God as Spirit will never be the same again. Full salvation as GOD HIMSELF offers it, no strings, no condemnation, and complete forgiveness.
But time is short, and the rest of this tale on the horizon. Because one day soon, at an hour ONLY GOD KNOWS, GOD THE KING will descend from heaven with a shout, and we who are GOD’S CHILDREN shall be caught up together with Him, and forever be WITH GOD.
Don’t miss the story.
References: (God Himself) 2Chr 13:12; Is 45:18; 1Th 3:11; Rev 21:3 ~ (the Lord Himself) Is 7:14; 1Th 4:16 ~ (the Spirit Himself) Rm 8:26 ~ (God-story) Rm 4:1-3 MSG
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About the Author:
Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. Visit her at www.suzannedwilliams.com