Ps. 24:1-2 The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.
Lest we forget, the earth is the Lord’s. We do not own anything, we are but stewards of what God has loaned to us. God has entrusted us with that which He has loaned to use. We need to be careful how we treat God’s earth. When we squander and waste earth’s resources we are being disrespectful to God.
Not only is the earth the Lord’s, the people in it are His as well. Wait a minute; let us think about this for a minute. The Lord declares ownership of the people in the world. Therefore, we should take seriously how we treat people. God cares about all people, whether they care for Him or not. We need to consider how we treat people.
We usually have no problem treating well the people we like, but what about the people we don’t like or are having problems with? Do we avoid certain people? Do we look down on some people simply because they don’t fit into our comfort zone? Do we treat some people worse than we do others? Do we talk down on some people? Do we harbor bad feelings toward others instead of loving them? Do we use others for our advantage? Do we disrespect people by the way we treat them?
It seems to me that since God declares ownership of the earth and all its people that we ought to take seriously our responsibility as stewards of them. Let us see things as God sees them. Let us show our love for God by the way we conduct ourselves in the world. Let us be treat others with honor and respect as much as possible and be as good stewards as possible of the earth and her resources. We show our respect for God in the ways that we live.
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