Three years ago, I wrote There is a Miracle in 21: God Completes! It was written to encourage anyone who may doubt their importance in life. Travelling the journey with me was meant to encourage you to make a difference right where you are in life. You don’t have to be perfect nor have it all together. There is but, ONE who is perfect and that is JESUS CHRIST. However, He can clean you up enough to use you for His glory. With Him, you will quickly realize the difference in your life and the contribution you make in the lives of others. No matter how hard you try, you can’t be successful on the journey alone. My book touches on where your focus should lie on your road to victorious living.
Think of yourself as you were created to be not as your emotions speak to you in the moment. GOD can use minimal skills to produce a completed work and in my case a miracle. On many occasions, I have the focus of a two year old. I can’t write or let’s say I’m not a professional. Many days, I’m not sure what my skills are in this area because I haven’t mastered or perfected the art of writing. I have been expressing myself for many years on paper. However, there’s a difference in writing for my eyes only and writing something that someone else will read. Expressing my thoughts as often as I want and how I want is therapeutic but very random. Therefore writing a book took a lot of effort on my part (21 months to be exact).
My book is not perfect, but it ministers to people. Even if it just inspires another to action, it was not written in vain. I want others to know that GOD COMPLETES! NOTHING can be done by your own strength. Even with GOD, things can be hard, but the testimony is that “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE” with GOD.
I said all of that to say, “Someone is waiting on you to express yourself. Your expression is a healing balm. Your expression is an inspiration!” Express yourself!!!
About the Author:
Lorieen D. Henry is a homemaker and veteran of the United States Army. She holds a BA degree in Journalism from the University of Southern Mississippi. She spends most of her time exhorting others for the glory of God. Henry, the ordinary, has been graced to do the extraordinary. She and her family currently reside in Germany.
Contact Lorieen:
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00A4F3RJ2
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/lorieenhenry