CrossReads Weekly Devotional: Lift Up Your Eyes 2/3/2025

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by Precarious Yates

Narrated by Artificial Intelligence, Jenny.

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Lift up your eyes, for your redemption is coming. 

Jesus said these words as a promise to look for Him even when it seems that He’s further than ever.

January was a hard month. So many days that seemed so long while they were so short. So much cold. Running from the moment I awoke, which was three hours before dawn, until I fell asleep, five hours after sunset. The dead of winter left me feeling as ragged as the brown leaves that clung to their branches. But still there was joy. 

Joy in the rush of wind as I slid down the hill to feed animals. 

Joy in the kisses from sheep and cows. 

Joy in the fireside conversations as my family and I huddled side by side, desperate for warmth. 

In this life, we often have glimpses of joy in between the mundane and the heartache. But we’re destined for more than that. We’re destined for the fullness of joy. 

“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” ~ Psalms‬ 16‬:11‬ NKJV‬‬

When we see more darkness than light, and when all we know are the contentions and conflicts of the world, I encourage you to lift your gaze. 

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Psalms‬ 121‬:1‬-2‬ NIV‬‬

Keep looking up. Keep holding on. 

There will come a day when we will hear, once more, those sweet words:

“See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.”

Song of Songs‬ 2‬:11‬-12‬ NIV‬‬

God bless you!

About the Author:

Precarious YatesPrecarious Yates has lived in 8 different states of the Union and 3 different countries, but currently lives in Texas with her husband, her daughter and their big dogs. When she’s not writing, she enjoys music, teaching, playing on jungle gyms, praying and reading. She holds a Masters in the art of making tea and coffee and a PhD in Slinky® disentangling.


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And Now, a Word from our sponsor:

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The Heart of the Caveat Whale is an epic trilogy that takes place both under water and on land. Book 1, The Captives, in the beginning of a journey into joy and terror. Sea monsters abound, as does the valor of both simple folk and nobles alike.

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