by Precarious Yates
Psalm 36
[5] Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.
[6] Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; your judgments are like the great deep; man and beast you save, O LORD.
[7] How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
[8] They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights.
[9] For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light.
[10] Oh, continue your steadfast love to those who know you, and your righteousness to the upright of heart!
Psalm 36: 5-10
What we fix our attention and our gaze on we tend to become. That’s why it’s important to focus on the nature and character of God. 1 John 3:2 talks about being transformed when we see him.
In Psalm 36, David focuses on God’s character and nature. God’s love extends to the heavens—so much higher than we can fathom. His faithfulness reaches to the clouds, which in David’s time was also unfathomably high. God’s righteousness is like the mighty mountains which do not quickly or easily fade away. His justice is like the deep, or like the ocean.
Just as sometimes the ocean tides seem to take the ocean far away from the shore, there are times when God’s justice doesn’t seem to be as strong, and the wickedness of people seems to run rampant. But then the tide returns and the Lord brings justice. We might not be able to know the exact hour His justice rolls in, but we can rely on the fact that His judgments will come and will set things right again.
Psalm 36, like Psalm 91, talks about how we can take refuge in the shadow of God’s wings. My four baby chicks that thrived the best this year were the ones who had a ‘mama’ hen hiding them under her wings both during the night and whenever they became afraid.
Let’s take a moment and focus on verse eight. This is what God wants for us, and this is a snapshot of the eternity Jesus died to give to us. God wants us to feast upon abundance in His house. He wants to give us more than enough so that we know we never have lack. He wants to give us a drink from the river of His delights. Heaven will not be boring at all! It will be full of pleasure, abundance, and wonder! But we don’t have to wait until heaven to tap into that. We can experience a foretaste of that in His presence every time we meet with Him! I encourage you to memorize this verse as well and pray it often, even at the times when you feel like you least deserve it. We never deserved it. Jesus did, and we get to enter in because of His work on the cross and His resurrection life inside of us!
Take some time to meditate on the Lord’s character and nature. When we do this, it transforms us into the image of Christ.
May you have a blessed Easter season!
~ Precarious Yates
The captives will only be free when Shunda loses his fears about who he is. Yet what Shunda fears more than anything is loneliness.
Qoshonni figures she has become too violent and will never come back from the brink that the MerKing has pushed her to.
Mookori knows his father loves him best, but this has no consolation as war invades the shores of his father’s kingdom.
The Heart of the Caveat Whale is an epic trilogy that takes place both under water and on land. Book 1, The Captives, in the beginning of a journey into joy and terror. Sea monsters abound, as does the valor of both simple folk and nobles alike.
About the Author
Precarious Yates has lived in 8 different states of the Union and 3 different countries, but currently lives in Texas with her husband, her daughter and their big dogs. When she’s not writing, she enjoys music, teaching, playing on jungle gyms, praying and reading. She holds a Masters in the art of making tea and coffee and a PhD in Slinky® disentangling.
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