CrossReads Weekly Devotional: Fear 3/23/2020

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by Ruth O’Neil

Fear. It seems to be the topic of so many discussions lately. Honestly, I’m kind of tired of it. You ever heard the phrase, “There’s nothing to fear but fear itself”? Yup. I think that’s where so many of us are. We can hardly leave our homes any more without being scared of something.  

We might get in an accident. 

Or worse yet, our kids might get in an accident when they drive away in the car alone for the first time. 

Someone might come into the store where we’re shopping and start shooting. 

You “can’t” use your key fob to lock your car doors because someone might be nearby stealing the “code” so they can rob you while you’re running your errand.  

We might bump into someone who’s sick and catch whatever they have, whether it be the flu or bed bugs.  

Doesn’t this seem a bit ridiculous? Do you ever stop to think who is behind all the fearmongering that is so prevalent in today’s society? Believe it or not, it isn’t the government or even the media. It’s Satan himself. Fear doesn’t come from God. 

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). 

“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe” (Proverbs 29:25). 

I’m certainly not against being prepared. We have life insurance policies to make sure loved ones are taken care of when we do die. But we don’t live each day in anticipation of dying. Being prepared is different than panicking and being scared at what’s around every corner. That is not how God would have us live our lives. We can’t let fear overtake us.  

In these times of stress and panic, be the one who helps to calm others’ spirits. Be the voice of reason. Pray with someone if need be. Maybe it’s time they accepted Christ as their Savior so they can be assured of their final destination.  

There’s another phrase that’s popular today. “Keep calm and carry on.” Maybe that is the one we need to be taking to heart. Be calm. Don’t fear.  

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 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). 

About the Author:

Ruth OneilRuth O’Neil has been writing for over 20 years. She has published hundreds of articles in numerous publications. She loves to touch the emotions when she writes. “If I can make one person laugh or cry, I’ll consider myself successful.” Her first novel “Come Eat at My Table” has just come out in ebook form and can be purchased on her website. She homeschools her three children (well, one now, as two have graduated). She and her husband have been married for 20-plus years. In her spare time she enjoys quilting, crafting, and reading. You can visit her on her blog at ruths-real-life (dot) or her website at ruthoneil (dot)

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