CrossReads Short Takes
What Is Justification By Faith
by Dr. Johnson C. Philip
The doctrine of Justification by Faith is what separated the Protestants from the Roman Catholics five centuries ago. However, today many Protestants have no clear idea of the doctrine or the history of how it was recovered by Martin Luther.
This book presents both of these in accessible terms.
Please remember that this book is not meant for everyone! It is meant for Protestants alone. Roman Cathoics might find many portions less than pleasing.
Dorian the Daring
A Medieval Adventure
by Camille Esther
Kicked out of the only home he has ever known, Dorian is forced to make a new life for himself with his noble steed. The adjustment isn’t easy—ordinary life seems dull after being “the young master” his whole life.
Then someone tries to kill him. Dorian is sure his proclaimed enemy is behind the attempt, but another source declares it could be his best friend. In a world of political chaos that seems bent on making him the center of it all, Dorian has many questions and few answers. But his chief question is this: is reconciliation too much to ask?
As the answers finally begin to surface, Dorian finds himself in the sole position to save a life. He knows his duty—but can he choose duty over his heart’s desire and still trust God with the outcome?