CrossReads Short Takes
The 21 Day Mind Detox
by Aleigha Butler
As human beings we are always talking about detoxing and cleansing our physical
bodies. Well, what about the mind? If your body looks great and your mind is messed
up, you are still stuck. It’s time to do a thorough cleansing. That change first begins in
the mind. That is why the Bible says we must renew our minds daily, but many people
don’t. They hold on to the same garbage and toxic things carrying them from day to
day. It is time to cleanse the mind of all toxicity. Negativity is just like cancer. With that
said, we must remove all negativity (toxicity) and take on a new mindset. Cancer can’t
live in alkalinity; therefore, we need to alkaline our mind, and our thoughts. We must
take control of every thought that tries to attach itself to us that don’t belong to us. 2
Corinthians 10:5 NLT says, “We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from
knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.”
Living On A Prayer
An Inspirational Christian Romance
(His Tender Mercies Book 1)
by T.K. Chapin
April Bybee has always been a praying wife and a loving mother. She and Justin had built a good life together and were raising three beautiful children. Problems in their home life only emerged five years ago when Justin was promoted to district manager. He started working longer hours and spent less time with the family. Now, with a new promotion on the horizon, April fears the problems she’s been praying over are only about to get worse.
How God will answer those prayers will not only catch April by surprise but will stretch her faith in ways she never thought possible.
A praying wife desperate for change and a husband who only wants to give his family a good life. Sometimes, our best intentions don’t match God’s perfect plan for our lives. It’s in our most trying moments that He shapes us, defines us, and calls us His own.
An inspirational Christian romance that will inspire your faith, lift your spirit, and remind you of the beauty in God’s perfect timing.