CrossReads Short Takes
Jack’s Jewel
(Time-Told Tales Book 4)
by Janice Cole Hopkins
Jack’s mother sends him to sell their cow, but he can find no one who wants to buy her. Before the town market closes for the day, he trades the animal for some remarkable beans. His mother is not pleased, however, and demands that he leave. He heads south, hoping to find a home. In Fairleigh, the earl is going to allow him to plant his beans in one of his fields, but Jack cannot help but notice the earl’s beautiful daughter. However, he will have to use all his wits if the earl ever allows him to court Pearl.
From the Top of the Mountain to the Bottom of the Sea
Lessons from Elijah and Jonah
by Janice Cole Hopkins
We can always learn much from God’s prophets, and this is certainly true of Elijah and Jonah. Although their stories are very different, they also have remarkable similarities. Come along and let’s study their lives. legacies, and lessons.