CrossReads Book Spotlight
Oh! Lord! Help Me
Power To Win Your Battles And Succeed In Your Life
(Spiritual Truth Book 1)
by EVANGELIST David Azize Adeshakin Aikou
Many have gone through excruciating moments of suffering, and since then have struggled to regain stability and happiness in their lives. Many have lost all friendship and all human companionship. For many, life has stopped, they live as people who are just trying to exist. They are so precious, so wonderful, but everything has been stolen. They have been limited and stripped of any good substance. And the question that lies at the bottom of their heart is: who can help me? Where will the help come from? Help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth. The only one who is a true and good Father, a friend so present, so concerned for the well-being of all men. I would like to speak of the one whom the Lord Jesus spoke when He said, I will send you another Comforter who will remain with you for Eternity. The Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God. If you meet him and enjoy his grace and his works then your smile will return and you will return to life. He has the power to help you to overcome your difficulties victoriously and to widen the path under your feet. The Spirit of God enriches you and restores you peace and joy in your life. You will find the friendship of men and a perfect restoration in your life. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the one who solves it. When your challenges exceed you, approach the one who has the means to overcome them and bring you a continual victory. This is a journey of friendship and power that will completely change your life, from failure to success, from poverty to riches, from tears to joy, from lack of everything to abundance. It’s time to prepare yourself to experience the most glorious and exceptional situations. Here is finally the day to restore order in your life and to accept the help of God. Visualize the future with hope, with a firm assurance that your share in life is the happiness and glory that God has reserved for those who have faith.
Be prepared to meet the grace, glory and power that will turn your life into a great success and a wonderful testimony. There are essential keys scattered throughout this book that will give a favorable access to anyone who already has an experience of success but also for those who plan to have it in one area or another.