CrossReads Book Spotlight
Let Me Count The Ways
In Which We Have All Been Deceived
by Boyd McNiel
Scripture tells us that the whole world (except for the elect) would be deceived. It says that we have all inherited lies. It also says that the pen of the scribe is in vain, (worthless). Eight separate times the Messiah said, “Woe unto you Scribes and you Pharisees, you hypocrites”. This book has over 283 separate things which the whole world has been deceived about. Scripture tells us to come out of the false teachings of Babylon. Many people have quit going to the assemblies they grew up attending because they know that what their preacher is teaching them is not adding up. The problem is that they do not know where to turn to discover the truth. Here are three examples I will share with you:First: Is it an accident, or a coincident, or by divine inspiration that the word “alphabet” comes from the first two letters of the Hebrew language? They are the “Alpha” and the “Bet”. The Hebrew language was the original language before the creator changed everyone’s languages at the tower of Babel, which means “confusion” .Second: Did you know that the original 1611 King James Version of Scripture does not have the letter “J” in it. That is because 400 years ago, the English alphabet did not have a “J” in it. This tells us that current words and names with a “J” in them did not exist 400 years ago. They are new names. This means that the names “Jesus” And “Jehovah” are new made up fabricated names.Third: Do you know where the names; “July” and “August” originated from? It turns out that Julius and Augustus Cesar put their names on the Gregorian calendar which we all use. When they did this they slid the other months over to make room for their names. Now the month of October which is from the “Oct”: meaning “eight” is now the tenth month. The month of December which is from the “Dec” meaning “ten” is now the twelfth month. Cause and effect tells us that our alphabet that we use and the calendar that we use has been corrupted.