CrossReads Book Spotlight: I Had Cancer and Won

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CrossReads Book Spotlight

CrossReads Book Spotlight

I Had Cancer and Won

This is how I did it

by P.K. Kent

I Had Cancer and Won

I Had Cancer and Won: This is how I did it

What can I say about one of the most destructive diseases ever to hit the human race, a disease that takes no prisoners and loves to maim, destroy, and hurt the person it infects? Cancer doesn’t care if you are nine months old or ninety years old. Cancer can be slow and quiet or fast and furious. It is an abuser and a bully and can force you into the corner of a boxing ring and beat you down physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have personally felt the defeat of cancer. I have stared into the dark abyss of the unknown. I have waited weeks for the dreadful words that no one wants to hear: “This cancer is going to take your life.” I know what hopelessness, despair, and downright hatred for a destructive disease feel like.

The cancer that threatened my life made a slow and subtle entrance when I was twenty-nine years of age. It appeared two more times, and in total I endured three surgeries and two sets of treatments. From my initial diagnosis, I went fourteen years without any indication of cancer clearance or remission from my doctors. But finally, after studying and applying what I learned for all those years, my wife and I heard my cancer doctor speak the words we were desperate for: “You are cancer free!” I Had Cancer and Won is a book I wrote to help you battle your cancer head on. I am going to teach you about cleansing your body and eating right, introduce the cancer killer, and explain the importance of a spiritual life. I am going to show you exactly what I did to hear the words “You are cancer free!”

Buckle your seatbelts, and let’s get started!


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