CrossReads Book Spotlight
I Am Not a Soldier
by Dwight Phoenix
Seventy-Five Million graves exploded into existence from many of the dejected souls that participated in the world’s worst event, World War 2. This cataclysmic occurrence uprooted families, ripped countries apart and left a legacy of the true evil nature of man. We have been privy to many stories of the unprecedented war from countless westerners who curse the dictator and his minions. However, this tale takes the view of good men that struggled under the dictator’s radical political views and psychotic ideologies. It looks at men of peace that were broken to partake in deeds that were an abomination to their ethics.
Muller, a teenage boy with an unprecedented character and a unique love for nature finds himself a part of this group. And like others, he fights to avoid the devilish disfiguration of his identity. He is driven from his home in an attempt to escape the harsh reality of his country, Germany. But he is uncertain of where destiny will lead him and is embraced by Joy, Death, Pain, and Love. Through unfair and bitter circumstances, this tale tries to answer the question, can the saint become a monster?