CrossReads Book Spotlight
12 Surprises of Heaven
with bonus chapter,The Five People You Will Not Meet In Heaven
by Rocky Henriques
Rocky Henriques’ “12 Surprises of Heaven” is profoundly simple, but simply profound! He packs powerful biblical truth into an engaging and accurate portrayal of Heaven. His inspiring illustrations invite readers to see the realities of another world made accessible to believers through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As you turn the pages I hope you’ll hear the whisper of a holy invitation from God.
–Dr. Dean Register, Crosspoint Church, Hattiesburg, MS
It is my joy to wholeheartedly recommend “12 Surprises of Heaven.” This book was thought provoking and spiritually inspiring. It caused me to see some aspects about heaven that I had never realized before. It also gave me a greater appreciation for what our Lord has prepared for all who know Him. I am thankful for the fact that Dr. Henriques continually set forth the one and only way to heaven—by faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. This book will bless and inspire all who read it, and I give it my full and complete endorsement.
–Evangelist Gary M. Bowlin, www.garybowlin.com
I greatly appreciate that “12 Surprises of Heaven” looks to the Bible to provide the sure foundation of an accurate view of Heaven. By taking this approach, Dr. Henriques corrects many mistaken and popular ideas about life after death. His chapter entitled “The Five People You Will Not Meet in Heaven” provides further captivating and thought-provoking details, causing the reader to ask penetrating questions and to discern fact-based answers of eternal importance. In today’s pop culture that often distorts the afterlife based upon dreams and myths, 12 Surprises of Heaven brings us back to the only truth that is certain, straight from the pages of God’s Word.
–Larry Steven McDonald, DMin, PhD, Dean, Graduate School of Christian Ministry, North Greenville University
Greer, South Carolina