Don’t let even one rotten word seep out of your mouths. Instead, offer only fresh words that build others up when they need it most. That way your good words will communicate grace to those who hear them. (Eph 4:29 VOICE)
No man has the right to say anything he wants.
Regardless of culture.
Instead, our words should bring encouragement. They should build each other up. They should communicate grace.
What does that mean? It means through your words, you become the person people love to talk to because they never leave without receiving some benefit.
It means no matter what your opinion is about that person, you have something positive to say. You always treat them as if they are important. You bring calm and comfort regardless of their circumstances or any choices they’ve made.
And here’s an additional thought … Both to your closest friends and to that person you’ve only just met.
I think sometimes it’s our family and friends who get the wrong side of us. We become too comfortable, complacent, and lose track of what we say.
“Well, they know me, so it’s all right to be this way.”
No, it isn’t. There is no excuse for being rude.
I like what it says in Colossians 4:6. “Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Though this passage is talking specifically about people who aren’t Christians, I believe it applies to everyone.
We SHOULD always speak to one another with grace, God’s principles evident in the tone of our voice and in the wisdom that proceeds out of us. That’s really what it all boils down to. Did what you say make that person think of Christ? Or did it send them running the other way?
Think about it, and become the salt and light that reflects Christ into every area you touch.
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Running “The Earth Shop”, Lauren Fournier had seen many unusual things. The supernatural was, after all, the purpose of the store. But never, since she’d taken it over, had anyone in the Christian community entered without an ulterior motive. They want to “save her soul” without a heart for understanding who she was.
But from the moment Reverend Dagger Dawkins first speaks to her, it’s clear something about him is different. Not simply that he asks her out on a date. No man of his caliber has ever dared to do that. But also, she feels a pull toward him she can’t explain.
When he disappears in front of her eyes, she’s desperate for him to return. But nothing about their date is normal – not his description of his superhuman family, not his skin turning colors at her touch, nor the instantaneous transfer of them both from her apartment in Virginia to the California coast.
Who is he? And why, of all the girls he could choose, did he pick her?
About the Author:
Best-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors. She is co-founder of THE EDGE.